U.K to NZ Trailer wiring Auto Sparky help!

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jmma, Feb 5, 9:32am
Well bugger me, all this from something that started from a 2 pin plug, live and earth (o:

thejazzpianoma, Feb 5, 9:48am
I will be going with bridging both tail feeds together with a diode in each as suggested. I will confirm its successful for you.

The LED option is not really ideal as this car will tow various trailers at times and bridging the wires is ultimately easier. Good thinking though on the current draw.

As for expensive wiring adaptors etc. Ultimately all modern safe and sophisticated cars are in much the same boat. I would take the car with a trailer stability program over one without every time even if it costs me a little more for a trailer plug.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 5, 9:51am
Great link!

granada, Feb 5, 11:24am
Cheers for that, have bookmarked it as well. Im working in WA and I just give an order to the purchasing officer and hope thatone day it may turn it.

kazbanz, Feb 5, 8:37pm
Ohhh gosh that is just TOO GOOD not to bite.
YESjazz the eurotrash clips are made to be reusable like lego or meccanno. So the eoro builders are saying "we EXPECT you to pull our cars appart" whereas the japs build to such a quality that there is no expectation so they use one way /one use fasteners.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 2:33am
LOL. no no no my friend. Its like a quality zippo lighter vs a bic. Just like Japanese cars the Bic is popular and fundamentally reliable but its still a disposable item (with no personality). The Zippo like the VW/Audi has been designed and crafted to be refilled and serviced. not to mention its the superior product both from an engineering and aesthetic standpoint.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 6, 2:38am
Joined the wires together and all seems fine. I have an outstanding issue getting the controller to code properly in VCDS but I suspect that is because the third party controller was designed with the genuine VW software in mind. I will contact the manufacturer of the loom and also Ross-Tech for advice.

Its working though and was really a much nicer experience to setup than wiring a trailer the old fashioned way to a Cortina etc. Can't complain about that.

I will revisit the controller when the car is next here in a fortnight. I will also get a couple of diodes and put them in line with both power feeds. I was thinking perhaps if a trailer with one blown tail lamp was connected then it might get upset without the diodes. Either way, cheap and easy to do and better safe than sorry.

Many thanks for all your assistance chaps!

I wouldn't have felt confident joining the wires without you and wouldn't have thought about the diodes which I like as a concept.

saki, Feb 6, 2:41am
and the zippo is probably yank

msigg, Dec 14, 1:04am
Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill.