Worst looking cars.

moosie_21, Feb 6, 12:29am
On Trademe thread. Since you can't comment on the sellers choice of style, let's make it about the "technical" aspects of the car. Bring your worst!

moosie_21, Feb 6, 12:32am

The mechanic on this car didn't do a very good job on the bodykit. Think it's overpriced by $650.

moosie_21, Feb 6, 12:35am

Scotty's pride and joy. Those filters might get a little wet in the rain.

Right, I've started it off, please add!

mone, Feb 6, 12:40am
The 1994 Commodores, they looked so round like an upside down boat.

The 1984 Commodore VH SS looked better.

a.woodrow, Feb 6, 1:09am
I have half a mind to vote this post off!

andrea_w, Feb 6, 1:12am
lmao I am deeply sorry for posting that. but it's in keeping with the thread topic :D

jason18, Feb 6, 2:05am
wuld be abit as rims alone will be at least 4500 dae only the only set in nz and dae 3 pice rays gmones

vjregal770, Feb 6, 2:08am
What's that in English!

gammelvind, Feb 6, 2:26am
Apparently it is a type of english, often quoted by little backward cap wearing bobbing head gnomes.

stealthbida, Feb 6, 2:47am

moosie_21, Feb 6, 3:04am
Seen that before on here years ago. One word: BEDAZZLED

I can't believe how much silly B/R cars go for. Not a braincell between them.

i-n-horz, Feb 6, 4:10am
All I could see was a spectacularly fine lookingwoman in very little apparel apart from a pair of dazzling earrings in quite a seductive pose sipping from a glass of shampaz.oh dear! time for my meds.

horsepower7, Feb 6, 4:42am
i always new those r33 owners were abit strange lol

fergus14, Feb 6, 4:56am

magoo2, Feb 6, 5:44am
some people have taste and some people dont

magoo2, Feb 6, 5:47am
that is the most desirable car in this thread.It remains as originally designed and has had no attempt to improve it

gunhand, Feb 6, 6:19am
Thats the "blow up doll" car I mentioned a while back LOL, blow up doll might be better looking to.

pebbles61, Feb 6, 6:42am
I thought these POS's only existed on here:http://www.barryboys.co.uk/phpBB2/viewforum.php!f=12

lol oh they make me laugh.

cowboy110, Feb 6, 6:52am
The sellers name says it all.

magicmat, Dec 14, 5:54pm
Wow. she's a beaut all right.