Results in faulty dsr wastegate, as mine soundz like it's leaking at start up now at not reaching 10psi boost only 9. Is it cause of the waste gate spring or diaphram! What do i look for when taking it apart can it be repaired or it is over with, and need a new wasegate! Thanks
Feb 6, 2:20am
You get what you pay for. bin it and buy from a reputable manufacturer. Things like wastegates, turbos etc is not something you should be skimping on
Feb 6, 5:08pm
Me concur, buy cheap stuff that has non moving parts (intercoolers, radiators). Intricate parts that are important use brand name good quality gear.
Feb 6, 5:48pm
All the wastegates I have seen are sealed throw aways, easy to test simply remove the vacuum hose and suck / blow very hard, should move the lever. Make sure it's not a manifold leak / cracked.common on some makes.
Feb 6, 11:37pm
buy a decent w/gate,turbosmart.
Feb 7, 1:31am
is the valve seat in!
Feb 7, 1:34am
If it's a cheap one they can bind, just take it apart and polish the valve stem. Return it to service, many people use ebay wastegates and just polish the stems/clean up the machining. For that that can be bothered. Also the spring and diaphragm with them is normally crap but you buy aftermarket ones anyway when you set it up to the PSI you want.
Also pay to make sure the valve is seating into its flange.
Feb 7, 2:56am
Dsr has not had drift side racing waste gates for years. where did you get it from!
Feb 7, 2:59am
Feb 7, 1:57pm
Ha, dsrturbo is worried there might be crappy copies of his crappy china copies. Ironic.
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