FORD = Full Of Rusty Dents Seriously tho, looks a nice car, but suspicious of the rust, what more could be lurking underneath!
Feb 9, 12:08am
I reckon you're just buying a problem.The rust in AU falcons is very apparent these days in the same places as that BA.
And the BA is basically the same platform as an AU, with different shaped sheetmetal on top.
It's a curious problem with them, as some are fine, and some are totally rusting to the point of being written off.
To me it indicates poor quality control in Ford Australia's paint/body department.
It's a shame.
Feb 9, 12:17am
Thats bloody disscusting for a late model car to be rusting like that. But there is very little protection in the boot, under the rear parcel tray are and obviously between the boot skins. That rust woudnt be hard to fix at all but then theres the painting. Still be worth it if thats all there was, rust that is.
Feb 9, 12:26am
Why have people not banded together to get Ford to fix this pretty serious issue
Feb 9, 12:32am
The rust in the boot lid under the number plate, is due to poorly sealed boot spoilers.
Water seeps through the bolt holes where the spoiler is fastened, and runs down into the inside bottom of the boot.
There are drain holes in the bottom, but for some totally bizarre reason Ford Australia has them blocked with factory fitted grommets. ( Maybe to keep out Aussie Outback dust ! LOL. God only knows )
They are easy to remove though. No tool required, just thumb and forefinger .
Feb 9, 12:34am
The thing is if Ford and Holden built cars to the same quaility a say a Merc or BMW they would also cost the same as said Merc and BMW when new and the mass market wouldnt be able to by them on mass. So They cut back on proper protection, clear coat in engine bays under boots and bonnets etc, even actually putting paint under the parcel trays in some. savine a few bucks on every car soon adds up. And they use cheap plastics fake chrome etc etc. You either want a cheapish new car or high quaility for twice the price. So the end result is rust and broken clips peeling plastic chrome, rattly dashes, LED/LCD displays failing and so on in a few short years.
Feb 9, 12:36am
hmmm im very tempted to take a chance but there is a part of me saying to walk away and wait for something else to come up
Feb 9, 12:40am
Take a look in person and use your instincts
Feb 9, 12:43am
Towbar, boat in the shed, rust.
Stay away if I were you. That thing could have had its whole ass end in saltwater for all we know.
Feb 9, 12:53am
As above.^.run for the hills.
Feb 9, 12:53am
This may have been around salt water ! but , as much as I like Fords , To me Aussie cars are an embarrasment in terms of hidden design faults , fit & finish.
Feb 9, 12:56am
Are you handy with removing boot trims and tail lights etc!
If so. Pull out both left and right tail light lenses and also remove the stiff card material trim that coversthe inner rear panel . ( the rear panel is where the hasp is in the middle, that the boot lid lock clicks into )
There is possible more hidden rust under those places.
And check right into the boot cavity and look up under the rear parcel tray for more serious rust. Especially directly under where you can see it from the top in the photographs where the rear guards are spot welded to the frame.
Feb 9, 12:58am
Also check the inner sills where the chassis outriggers join.
A well known problem area.
Feb 9, 1:07am
Which makes you wonder who would pay 90k+ for a HSV/FPV , sure they and the FPV's go well when working right , but for me there's too much of a question of "is it a monday morning built car !" for that sort of money.
Feb 9, 1:17am
Im not sure which merc/BMW you would compare a FPV HSV with but Id say the equivailent would be over 200k, so the Fords etc are still cheap in comparrison.
Feb 9, 1:22am
buy one new and spend $300 for some rippo injection at a car painters.
Feb 9, 1:23am
To fix that rust in the boot by the window you will have to pull the whole rear window out . we get a few at work and used to do a few under warranty. Some of the seams in the panel leak causing water to get in and rust, always seems to be the R/S as well.
Feb 9, 1:31am
Yeah they are , but unfortunately cheap and too "luck of the draw" in too many other ways also , I think I would buy a coupla' years old BMW 540/m5 or Audi RS6 or AMG mid-size Merc etc for the same $$ and enjoy the quality much more. (probably wouldn't attract as much unwanted attention from idiots also).
Feb 9, 1:38am
The seams leak because the have no seam sealer. Many modern cars have no seam sealers on top of the spot welds.
Poor old Ford Australia should have done this, as their spot welds are obviously not precise and tight enough. And then their lack of paint causes the issues we are seeing now.
Feb 9, 1:46am
Poor old Ford and Holden Aus , who are still apparently relying on tax payer funding there to keep their whole auto industry alive. I wish we were still assembling here in NZ and making alloy wheels / glass / trim etc. also. But the "locals" always seem to think they are entitilled to handouts while their quality and design stays crap and at some stage the local industry still dies. A shame because it appears we will all be just consumers who purchase nothing that we actually make anymore . Of course also wanting most of our stuff as cheap as possible doesn't help I suppose.
Feb 9, 2:00am
Good post.
Similar to NZ's leaky building syndrome.
Feb 9, 2:21am
i actually heard from several dealers it actually leaks through the number plate screws is a common falcon problem even on the xts and fairmonts without spoilers
Feb 9, 2:26am
Well there you go .
Double trouble. lol.
Feb 9, 2:43am
yep and then we complain when the japs come inand actually start buying our dirt.
Feb 9, 2:45am
Would that rust up near the back window be a fail at wof time !
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