Help . new to automatic control driving.What are the pros and cons for long/short trips using O/D on or O/D off !
Feb 9, 3:26pm
On a Nissan!
Unless you notice the car hunting for gears (i.e. constantly changing) then you can leave it on
Feb 9, 3:31pm
Toyota Ipsum
Feb 9, 3:46pm
If you're driving 80 kph plus then i would use the overdrive. Any speed under that leave it off.
Feb 9, 4:10pm
Leave OD off all the time unless your going up/down hills ior towing. It's ment to be left on hence the warning light than comes on when you turn OD off
Feb 9, 4:30pm
JSbike, you have that back to front. You would probably have it off if towing or going over hilly country.
Feb 9, 5:04pm
yuss thats the one :)
Feb 9, 5:16pm
just leave it off, for street racing purposes
Feb 9, 8:10pm
Although the higher gearing might help stop the Ipsum from breaking loose and torque steering really bad under power.
Feb 9, 10:20pm
my mechanic recommends that its engaged full time. It sensors the pressure within the transmission and selects the right gear as required. Hence the term (modern) AUTOMATIC.
Feb 9, 10:35pm
Thats because he doesn't trust you to do something complicated like flick a toggle switch.
Do you drive a Toyota Ipsum!
OD on the Toyota trans should be off under 80k. When its on and you're trawling around in top gear a light on the dash will start to blink. This is not a good thing.
You want the least amount of stress on the trans. Driving around with OD on in top gear at city speeds is like trying to drive an old fashion manual everywhere in fifth gear.
Feb 9, 11:27pm
jnjh4 --Ok theres the theoretical world and the real world. IN THEORY -below 80km/h -generally on "surface streets" (50k zone) you should have the OD turned off--ie the orange odoff light shineing on the dash. When doing over 80km/h -ie on the open roadthe OD light should be off -ie OD is ON Yes it does make a difference to fuel economy and it was the way the gearbox was desighned to operate at its best. Reality is noone actually does it and except for if you are loaded down the ipsum engine/drivetrain is well overengineered to cope with it
Feb 10, 4:56am
foxdonut wrote: Thats because he doesn't trust you to do something complicated like flick a toggle switch.
Do you drive a Toyota Ipsum!
Ouch -actually I asked him about hiway driving towing my one ton boat. Old overdrive systems don't recommend engaging overdrive , and as my 4x4 is low geared, thought I'ld ask "an expert", the said vehicle being a 3 stage auto with o/d. She pulls well over 4500 at 120 opps.(2600 at 100). Newer models seem to take this in auto in their stride.
Feb 10, 5:25am
Firstly I should say that I've only ever owned one automatic, and 15 minutes after signing the ownership papers I tore out the auto trans and popped in a manual. Anyway if the trans is 'automatic', and with todays modern ECU's with all the sensors working together to sense load, driver intention, engine situation, what is the point in having the OD switch anymore! Why not let the trans do the work and use the kickdown when its needed! School me, I am clueless but curious. If autos are made for those who would rather leave the decisions to be made for them, whats the point giving them that odd little option!
Feb 10, 5:34am
Leave it on all the time. Don't even know why cars have this function.
Feb 10, 1:14pm
Simple answer- Leave it ON (ie: the warning light on the dash should NOT be showing) As for the rest of driving an automatic . if youve not done it before its real simple. Tuck that left foot back out of the way . put it in "D" (Drive) . and off you go.
Feb 10, 1:28pm
When you think about it thoughits not odd or an option. in a "real" auto you not only have OD but also at least one lower gear selection.The manufacturers did this for a reason.
Feb 10, 1:28pm
When you think about it thoughits not odd or an option. in a "real" auto you not only have OD but also at least one lower gear selection.The manufacturers did this for a reason. Ok I'll rephrase that-Given that the sort of car the OP refers to is transport not fun if the manufacturer could do without an extra "bit" don't you think they would have! simple economics to make the box cheaper if theres less stuff
Feb 10, 1:43pm
cuz cars dont have instincts. its the small things in life that make a difference
Feb 10, 1:50pm
if it clicks into OD when you're in a 50k zone,, turn it off. Would you drive a manual in 5th gear in a 50k zone!Otherwise leave it in OD unless it labours the engine. Toyota auto's can be a bit reluctant to downshift on smaller engines.
Feb 10, 4:31pm
Proper modern automated transmissions don't have an "OD" for this very reason. Only silly antiquated ones without enough gears have this silly patch job in an effort to get some sort of drivability/economy out of them.
Feb 10, 6:49pm
Thats the thing, shouldn't it be engineered to take readings based on throttle position, vehicle speed etc and other such feedback from engine sensors etc to determine that switching to top gear too early is bad! if it is smart enough to make it from 1st to 3rd or 4th (whatever autoboxes have) why do they not cope with top gear / OD! man I feel dumb, I just dont get it
Feb 10, 6:52pm
No they don't. So if they need a special button to tell them when to select top range in an auto, why doesn;t every gear / range have to be selected manually! bloody autos, they are funny creatures
Feb 10, 7:11pm
Leave it on (dash light not glowing) unless you are towing, then have it switched off (dash light glowing). It is that simple.
Feb 10, 10:05pm
I leave mine on all the time its really a four speed auto you can switch it off and it becomes a 3 speed trans. Or leave it on and pull the shift lever into 2 and you have a two speed transmission. The OD will not be selected till the trans allows it so its just a top gear. The light off means OD is available. But only selected when the trans allows it.
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