Truck crash pictures. New Plymouth 15/2/2012

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attitudedesignz, Feb 16, 1:40am
As i said in previous post, the truck had right of way, i use that road every second day.

Ok, as that bridge is downhill on BOTH approaches who gives way (ignoring the fact in this instance the bridge IS sign posted as to who gives way)

skin1235, Feb 16, 2:10am
is it signposted as such attitude!, that sign behind the truck on the trucks left is a bend notification and a recommended speed sign, from the street view it appears to be a bend to the left and a recommended 55km/ph ( but it is quite blurry, could be 85), it is definitely not a double arrow red/black indicating to stop for traffic approaching or indicating right of way as most one lane bridges have

please check next time you use that road and confirm, if only for arguments sake

pieman33h, Feb 16, 2:47am
how aboutthe guy in waihi in front of me yesterday who tried to drive past the red stop sign the roads guy was holding up - very nearly got it shoved through his windscreen for his efforts too. And it was plain as day that he should stop!1

flashgordon_nz, Feb 16, 2:48am
The truck was unable to "carry on" for the day. The r/h foot step and pillar bottom were pushed back into the r/h front wheel, no headlamps, no r/h front indicator. The steering wheel is half a turn out when straight. And if caught driving, any cop/cviu would have ordered it off the road. Fortunately it was the end of the day for its run.
The truck had right of way.
The truck had slowed for the descent down the hill, to allow time for a van to exit the bridge, which was then followed by the station wagon and truck entering the bridge at the same time. They met in the middle (approximately) of the bridge, and the truck pushed the car back the direction it had come from. The driver of the car admitted to being in the wrong from the start, saying that he "thought he could beat the truck across the bridge".

wasser61, Feb 16, 3:01am
Your a muppet, the sign behind the truck indicates one lane bridge and you have the right of way, glad I am not driving near you.

mustangsally2, Feb 16, 3:37am
I know the bridge well.just another example of trying to beat someone which is quite prevelentin Taranaki

net_oz, Feb 16, 10:34am
No wonder people have accidents with some of the comments from so called drivers on here.

lusty9, Feb 16, 11:52am
so wheres the accident! i dnt c any carnage!

mk3zephyr, Feb 16, 2:35pm
I used to travel that road quite often but since we have joined the mass exodus of people leaving Taranaki we dont have to anymore woohoo.
Have to feel sorry for the insurance company who will be ripped big time if the truck was taken to Ross Graham Motors or McCurdy engineering to be repaired

bill-robinson, Feb 16, 2:36pm
Who needs to worry about the signs. Open your eyes, OHHH I SEE A TRUCK, IT WILL PROBABLY REACH THE BRIDGE AT THE SAME TIME AS ME. BRAKE NOW AND WAIT. Easy, no signs, no crash, no problem. Stop trying to passthe buck one driver should not have a license, end of story.

mrfxit, Feb 16, 3:26pm
LOL . yep got that right.
Signs are for dummys /police tickets & insurance company's

flashgordon_nz, Feb 17, 3:04am
has to go to McCurdy's to be checked on the wheel aligner. then have the chassis measured to see if its moved.
Repair Quote is sitting at over 15k (and thats with Taiwanese/aftermarket panels etc.

flashgordon_nz, Feb 17, 3:06am

flashgordon_nz, Feb 17, 3:07am
The car was pushed about 4 meters backwards from the impact

flashgordon_nz, Feb 17, 3:09am
Sorry, next time - do you want blood! Guts! dead people! truck half hanging off the bridge! - Hey it was a station wagon - maybe to satisfy your want for "carnage", it should have a young family in it!

flashgordon_nz, Feb 17, 3:12am
I don't understand the concept of this! Especially considering the truck had right away, the car passed a sign indicating that is was a one lane bridge, passed the solid white line in his lane before entering the bridge, and to apply your rules. the bridge is at the bottom of a slight gradient - from both sides! so your rule would apply to both parties, and instead of crashing, they would still be sitting their arguing over who would cross first.