Truck crash pictures. New Plymouth 15/2/2012

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hyphen, Feb 15, 5:24am
who failed to give way!

flashgordon_nz, Feb 15, 5:26am
notice in the first pic, no white line across the lane behind the truck! LOL

bill-robinson, Feb 15, 11:45am
one of the drivers should lose their license. Has not got a brain and should not be on the road

jason18, Feb 15, 12:31pm
Agreed pretty easy to see thats not a two lane bridge. Common sense should be used if no signs available

sandndude, Feb 15, 12:39pm
A good defensive driver should be able to give way no matter who has right of way.

mrfxit, Feb 15, 1:47pm
Clearly the truck would have had right of way partly for .
All the way across the bridge (got there first)
Heaviest /biggest/ largest vehicle (size DOES matter)

Trouble is that the average 'joe blogg's" don't realize how hard it can be to stop a truck.

skin1235, Feb 15, 1:49pm
what a stupid comment, the truck would have been already inside any stopping distance when the car appeared, and ignored signage on their approach, fairly obvious the truck used all defensive skills he had to NOT drive right over the fool who kept on coming

dutchygal, Feb 15, 1:53pm
Agreed,obviously the truck was well onto the bridge UNLESS it has pushed the car back. Hate all those narrow bridges and culverts on way to NP.

intrade, Feb 15, 1:58pm
the car should have been able to give way no matter if he got right to cross first. a truck takes longer to bring to standstill

attitudedesignz, Feb 15, 2:02pm
Why! ALL the one lane bridges 'round here are well sign posted.

Truck has right of way on that bridge, and as can be seen in pic's it's not like the car driver would not of seen truck coming.

phillip.weston, Feb 15, 2:55pm
looks like fairly minor damage to the truck, probably could have kept going on its run for the day. Something tells me, judging by the paint on the rear bumper, that the Toyota driver has been involved in an accident before.

trogedon, Feb 15, 3:57pm
Huh! Our everyday cars bumpers are scratched up and we've never crashed them.

louisesamosa, Feb 15, 4:01pm
how do you not see and give way to a big red truck! Time for an eye test!

mrfxit, Feb 15, 4:01pm
LOL. regardless of who had right of way on legal signage, if the truck was closer to the bridge then the car, then who am I to argue with a 1 ton car against a 5 ton truck

mike844, Feb 15, 4:06pm
no truck should of given way as the rule is downhill give way uphill right of way this is to reduce stalling of motor on uphill gradient by the way we have 2 one lane bridges very close by here

vtecintegra, Feb 15, 4:10pm
Actually no, that is not the case. All one lane bridges SHOULD be signposted, the Road Code doesn't say anything about what to do if there aren't any signs.

wasser61, Feb 15, 4:30pm
The truck had the Right of Way, the car should have stopped and given way.
If you look at the sign behind the truck in the background there are2 signs on one post. The diamond shaped sign indicates that there is a one land bridge ahead the second sign below the diamond indicates if you have to either give way or have the right of way. These two signs are either a square "you have the right of way" or a circle "you must give way"

fordcrzy, Feb 15, 4:50pm
Street view would clear up the arguement.whats the stream its over!

mrfxit, Feb 15, 5:30pm
All done.
Car was going to fast for the bend above the bridge to be able to stop in time AND had a red arrow ON TOP of the hill approach
Fair bit of zooming to do & that stream is lined with tree's so is easy to miss on maps from high up

mrfxit, Feb 15, 5:30pm
Truck wins

bill-robinson, Feb 15, 5:33pm
Now we have the answer, it is the governments fault. Must be true,cause as I said, someone was not thinking

urbanrefugee54, Feb 15, 7:51pm
my opinion is that the truck saw the car coming at speed & stopped - the headlight glass from the car is by the front bumper of the truck & not driven over. agree - how can the car miss a big red truck & a narrowing road.

stevo2, Feb 15, 11:06pm
I've been on that road heaps of times and yet I cant remember which direction gives way.

bill-robinson, Feb 16, 12:11am
Who cares who gives way.
Engage brain and apply COMMON COURTESY

mrfxit, Feb 16, 1:19am
Use my link & zoom in a lot.
The car was spose to give way