You don't make it clear whether you're looking to buy a car there then drive it and take it home with you. I made enquiries about doing this and got nowhere.
Some folk I've spoken to reckoned they just bought a car and took a chance, driving with no insurance. Stuff that.
Feb 29, 12:59pm
When we were in Hawaii a few years ago we got stopped at a road check point and the first things they as for are driving licence , registration papers (ours was a rental and had papers to cover this ) . and insurance docs . They also looked around the car tyres etc . I was curious and chatted to the cop and he said if you cannot produce any of those docs the car is impounded and the driver is arrested .
Feb 29, 12:59pm
When we were in Hawaii a few years ago we got stopped at a road check point and the first things they asked for are driving licence , registration papers (ours was a rental and had papers to cover this ) . and insurance docs . They also looked around the car tyres etc . I was curious and chatted to the cop and he said if you cannot produce any of those docs the car is impounded and the driver is arrested .
Feb 29, 1:13pm
#6- Wow, and why don't we do the same! And dump the annoying WOF makework employment scheme for retired mechanics while we're at it.
Feb 29, 2:09pm
Find a small broker who'll write a short term "minimum cover" policy.It will be a bit of a hassle, and it will cost. Otherwise, enjoy driving around facing the possibility that you'll be locked up in some county jail somewhere, sharing a cell with extras from "Deliverance", until you can sort out how you're going to pay the lawsuit launched against you by the flock of lawyers with $ signs in their eyes who descended within seconds on the scene of the minor accident you just had. You could always try running for the Mexican border, which would be an exciting story to tell - if you made it.Calling the (unstaffed) NZ Embassy for assistance probably won't work, as the new 0800 number system is probably going to be set up by the same consultants who set up the call centre EQC have in place after the Chch earthquakes.
Feb 29, 2:09pm
Find a small broker who'll write a short term "minimum cover" policy.It will be a bit of a hassle, and it will cost.Minimum cover includes third party injury - as well as property. Otherwise, enjoy driving around facing the possibility that you'll be locked up in some county jail somewhere, sharing a cell with extras from "Deliverance", until you can sort out how you're going to pay the lawsuit launched against you by the flock of lawyers with $ signs in their eyes who descended within seconds on the scene of the minor accident you just had. You could always try running for the Mexican border, which would be an exciting story to tell - if you made it.Calling the (unstaffed) NZ Embassy for assistance probably won't work, as the new 0800 number system is probably going to be set up by the same consultants who set up the call centre EQC have in place after the Chch earthquakes.
Feb 29, 2:58pm
It is easy to do. We used Progressive Insurance and did everything online. Full cover for everything was about $24.00 per month, paid online on a month by month method. When we exported the vehicle we informed them, said thank you very much and cancelled the policy. They were happy and said they will do business again. Our evidence of insurance was e-mailled from Progressive, which we printed out and had to show it after a random stop in Nebraska, the cop was happy with that.
Feb 29, 10:24pm
This sounds really good and I would love to know more about how you did this please, would it be OK to call you!, my Cell zero two seven, two four nine, five eight one five if you wouldn't mind txting your number please. Thanks.
Feb 29, 11:45pm
That info was worth saving to a phone list. Even without a number.
Mar 1, 2:15am
Was that Progressive Insurance in the States or is it a crowd at this end!
Mar 1, 6:12am
I to used in 2009 when i collected my Viper from Kentucky . Was all done online before i left NZ and paid via creditcard .The paperwork was sent to the guy i bought the car from . We were stopped in Oklahoma enroute to California and all paperwork was in order for the state trooper to wish us well on our trip . Once the car was in the hands of the shipping agent in Long Beach i simply cancelled the policy with no problems whatsoever . U do need to supply a reasonable amount of information when applying so be sure to allow enough time to satisfy all requirements before you head over . Good luck and have fun ! It will never be cheaper for us Kiwis than now to buy their dream car .
Mar 2, 12:57am
I thought you had to have a US residential address to obtain car insurance there!
Looks like I may be wrong - which would be a good thing.
Mar 2, 1:04am
don't knock my retirement scheme please
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