Those beginning with Eor Fare thelatest! Just looking at two cars and want to know which has got the most recent plates.THANKS
Mar 1, 12:36am
Just bought a new car last week and it is GGB***
Mar 1, 12:37am
Actually up to the G's now,depends where it was sold too as some places turn them over pretty slow
Mar 1, 12:38am
The cars are not new but just wanted to know which is the most recent
Mar 1, 1:25am
on the same note, anyone know approx time for the GTR*** plates to start to turn up at AA!
Mar 1, 1:37am
Remember there's only 999 plates in any one letter combination - most agents will never get GTR.
Mar 1, 2:14am
The current 3 letter 3 digit plates have a possible 17.6 million combos.
Mar 1, 2:49am
im up tothe GGN plate numbers
Mar 1, 3:01am
Yeah, but I'm to tight to fork out $800 for a P plate ") I can live in hope.
Mar 1, 3:22am
stroke of luck is the old mans falcon had the plate CLV351
Mar 1, 3:34am
Its was also common for the older cars to get a number plate swap when a plate turned up. Mates got a s1 RX7 plate ends 7777.
Mar 1, 3:40am
The F was issued after the E
Mar 1, 4:08am
I have a GGD plate.
Mar 1, 2:16pm
It used to be you could go into any Postal centre and talk nicely to the person behind the counter and they'd look in their box of plates (remember that when they had a big box of them under the counter!) and they'd search through and find one you liked (or wanted). I believe it's not possible to do this any more - the computer won't allow it or some such crap and plates must be issued sequentially.
Some of the letter combinations appearing now are a bit unfortunate. I wouldn't want FAG, FAP, GAY or GBH on my car. LOL.
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