vivalabrit, Mar 1, 4:45am
Do you know these people! Are they your neighbour! Have you seen them! They are nighttime criminals and were witnessed breaking into cars in Greenlane, Epsom and Royal Oak.

They smashed into cars tonight at shopping carparks in Greenlane and Royal Oak. The owners of one supermarket immediately looked at their security footage after one car was smahsed into and this is who they saw on camera:

Young male in white t-shirt with black cap was front passenger and got out of car to break into cars.
Appeared to be female driver.

They were then spotted about 20 minutes later, cruising the streets of Greenlane along the following roads:

Greenlane Road, Wheturangi Road and Massey Ave. After Massey Ave they actually stopped in Cadman Ave in One Tree Hill and appeared to do something. This was at about 9.45pm.

The police hwere called at this point. The thieves then took off and went to the Royal Oak shopping mall and stopped in the carpark there outside Wendy's where they attempted to break into another car, this time a white Mercedes.

They didn't succeed this time and drove off, probably aware they were being followed. The police arrived but too late.

The number plate was false and registered to a Holden. These people are low life, dispicable thieving scumbags. Call the police if this car belongs to people you know. They were seen going from shopping carpark to shopping carpark looking for cars to break into. They are stealing from people who are just going in to do their grocery shopping.

If you have seen this car, or know where the thieves can be found, dob them in to the police NOW and make a post here.

clark20, Mar 1, 4:54am
Bugger thats about 1km from where I live, I will keep an eye out

dave653, Mar 1, 6:00pm
Welcome to the world of no respect or responsibility!What does 'Mana' mean!

kazbanz, Mar 1, 11:18pm
OP--good onya if this is genuine but the cynic in me says most likely the plates have long gone. New stolen plates probably on the car--if in fact the car itself isn't stolen