What can cause a radiator blockage,

zak410, Mar 1, 10:37pm
when regular maintenance is well done and anti-freeze always used !
Is that because of rubber hoses or other parts perishing from the inside, or what else could it be !

Just curious.cheers.

kazbanz, Mar 1, 10:42pm
zak--in my dads case it was by using tap (chemical filled) water

zak410, Mar 1, 11:11pm
Thanks for that kaz, I can see how chlorine could affect rubber parts.

slimdog, Mar 1, 11:34pm
Thermostat! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermostat see automotive. Opens and closes with temperature. faulty=stays closed.

mugenb20b, Mar 2, 2:48am
What's that got to do with blocked radiators!

scoobeey, Mar 2, 3:51am
water with LIME in .i had a hiace with a new radiator 5 yrs old and temp went up a three quarter on guage i thought buga it im not risking anymore hills ( first hill) lost work but didnt want to cook van so took rad out had rodded and was 20-25 percent blocked ! sweet after that so tap water is a no no