Just for jazz

ringo2, Mar 26, 8:02pm

nufix72, Mar 26, 8:13pm
That is only giving him reasons to promote something else European.

bellky, Mar 26, 8:20pm
The mind boggles 1,300,000 is a lot of cars lol.

timmo1, Mar 26, 8:38pm
Meh, I don't read too much into recalls to be honest- At least they are putting it right.

Some company's DON'T recall cars with known issues.they are the ones you should be worried about.

thejazzpianoma, Mar 26, 9:04pm
Means nothing, Toyota have recalled a LOT more than that in recent history. One of their recalls was for over 5 million vehicles. Just the usual half an argument that means nothing from those without a clue.

mopsy3, Mar 26, 9:29pm
ya think there may be more Toyotas in the world than BMW's!

thejazzpianoma, Mar 26, 9:45pm
Yip, about 5 times as many (based on recent production figures) but Toyota recalled just as many percentage wise in that one recall. of which Toyota have had many. (for 2-3 years there they were recalling eye watering amounts)

hairytitties, Mar 26, 10:41pm
in a few short years, chinese vehicles will have cornered the market in car sales. They can mass produce them far cheaper than any other country, andthe quality is quickly getting there.
Soon the majority of our vehicle imports will be Chinese.

dent, Mar 26, 10:49pm
At the end of the day the sales firgures in NZ still favour the australian and japanesse cars

hairytitties, Mar 27, 12:24am
until they realise they can buy good quality cars for half the price.
Give it a couple of years and you'll be saying you didnt realise japan and aussy made cars.

dent, Mar 27, 12:29am
You may be right time will tell. Im just saying what figures I have seen for December and January.

tonyrockyhorror, Mar 27, 12:31am
"Chinese designed and built" and "good quality" are mutually exclusive. They're too prone to corner cutting.

thejazzpianoma, Mar 27, 12:32am
Made in China yes to some degree, but not necessarily many Chinese brands as such.

Just like powertools etc still carry the traditional names.

Also. China can't undercut everyone forever, the current system is not even close to sustainable. There are BIG changes ahead for the world, whether these happen before China really gets going with automotive exports nobody knows.

thejazzpianoma, Mar 27, 12:35am
Agreed, as opposed to a quality brand from another country that builds its product in China.

Thats the difference between an Iphone and an Iphony.

hairytitties, Mar 27, 2:09am
so was japan once upon a time.

hairytitties, Mar 27, 2:12am
they will undercut everyoen and take over the market, then others will either have to compete or die off. Most other car co's will either die off or china co's will take them over .Anyone trying to compete will simply die out due to chinas low prices. you cant compete againstchinas sweat shops.