I have a 1997 honda prelude 2.2dohc vtec. i took this car to various mechanics but they couldnt fix problem and instead fixed something else which was already working and cost me heaps but still the problem not gone.
The problemo is:
When car starts in the morning- it trys to breath but turns off n 3-4 secs When car is warmed up a bit- it lags very bad, normal driving is fine but if i want to overtake it will basicly get slower while i put gas down. On neutral( its a triptonic)-hpefully got spelling write LOL.!when i try revving.it revs slowly bt rappidly to 5500rpm and stops there and bounces(Like hitting limiter) Some times hear a big bang in the intake like its back firing.
Does any one now what problem is or now any one who nows any one who can sort this out!
Mar 27, 7:18pm
register and ask this question at nzhondas.com you will get a answer alot quicker that way most people here will tell you the problem with your car is that its a honda .
Mar 27, 7:27pm
Timing! is it cambelt! Might have jumped a tooth
Mar 27, 7:32pm
tht can be possible.il get tht checkd tomoro and let youz now. thankz
Mar 28, 12:58am
get the fuel pressure checked as well. Make sure the pump is pumping at ful pressure.
Mar 28, 5:29am
Fuel relay, fuel pump or rooted dizzy, is the speedo working! they don't vtec unless the speedo works.
Mar 28, 5:29am
Fuel pump relay, fuel pump or rooted dizzy(in that order) is the speedo working! they don't vtec unless the speedo works but doubt thats your problem. i'll put a 5er on the fault being the Fuel pump relay.
Mar 28, 6:02am
+1, they seem to die all the time. I think that's what it is anyway. I've had issues before with them
Mar 31, 12:46am
Hi guys got the cambelt check.it was fine.ok il check the fuel pump relay tomoro.wht does it actually do and were can i find tht! cheers
Mar 31, 12:50am
They have issues with dry solder joints in the fuel pump relay. Green or brown box under the dash but if you don't know what a dry solder joint is no point in looking for it get some one that dose look for it
Mar 31, 1:31am
If it's not any of the above, I'm gonna say it's ignition related, mine did a similar thing, the car started good and was alright when it was cold, but as it got warm it got worse and started missing randomly, usually when you put your foot down. made bang noises when in the higher revs too, and sounded like a subaru. the leads where wet and it had a bit of moisture inside the distributor. after I let the dizzy and leads dry out for a couple days, it was all good to go again
Mar 31, 2:08am
Isn't 5,500 when the VTEC kicked in on them! Could it not be a faulty solenoid! (or however its controlled, been a while since I worked on one of them)
Otherwise I would suggest as everyone else has
Apr 1, 10:09pm
Have you had the thermostat changed resently!
Apr 1, 10:34pm
Apr 1, 10:41pm
If thermostat has been changed recently check that the earth strap that bolts to the thermo housing has been put back on, commonly gets left off when thermostat is changed and does cause car to run similar to what OP is saying
Apr 2, 1:42am
i thinking the dizzy it is a common problem for them to fail.
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