Our old mazda MS8 efini's tyres are beginning to go bald now so just looking for some cheap but brand new tyres. found some brand new 15 inch "Westlake" tyres, $450 for 4 including fitting and balancing. Are these an ok brand tyre for just for general driving etc. Not looking for high performance tyres & dont mind if they make some noise. just as long as they are safe! thanks guys
Mar 30, 1:39am
What profile are you after!
I haven't heard great things about them, haven't personally used them though myself.
If your looking for a relatively cheap alternative you could get a set of Firestone Supercats for around that price, won't be high performance but will last a while, I'd trust them more then a cheap no-name brand.
Mar 30, 1:56am
Try the guys at Directional Tyres on the corner of Cryers Road & Transport Place in East Tamaki. They have pretty good hard to beat prices. 271 4888.
Mar 30, 6:40am
not a bad tyre for the money.also sold as goodride
Mar 30, 1:48pm
Search trademe sometimes you can get some better branded second hand tyres in your price range. I was looking for some 235 45 17s for my falcon.For $280 I managed to get 4 of them Dunlop 3000 which xr6 came standard with. They looked pretty much brand new
Mar 30, 4:27pm
If all you want is ordinary tyres, check out the current Firestone special on supercats. They are fine for ordinary usage.
Mar 31, 4:40am
You'll find tyre shops won't advertise the cheaper Chinese tyres as they'd prefer to sell you an expensive mainstream tyre because they get a bigger margin.
I stick to $120 Chinese tyres now in 215/45-17 instead of $240 "name" brand tyres and it's hard to tell the difference, The cheap tyres wear very well too.
Mar 31, 6:35am
Apart from the excessive road noise and appalling grip in the wet that is.
Just like everything else in life, you get what you pay for. Buy a "name" brand from one of the tyre chains.
Apr 2, 1:21am
My ones are quiet and grip fine in the wet.
Apr 2, 2:02am
Our Kia has some odbod korean tyres on the front (not Kumho) and it wheelspins more than it grips in the dry.Odd think is however it drives ok.I think it just a case of getting used to whatever you have.There's no way I'd pay big money for an everyday around town car tyre.Might be a bit different if "around town" includes motorways etc.A cheep new tyre will always be better than a worn out expensive tyre.
Apr 2, 2:08am
Umm I dont think so. Even if a tyre only has 0.5mm of tread, it doesnt matter one iota if the road is dry.
Apr 2, 2:12am
Had a euro performace car on Perallis (sp) once and all four tyres delaminated at about 3mm tread.Worn out is not always bald.
Apr 2, 2:15am
Credit to the Supercats. If you don't plan to do anything other than drive to the shops and you don't normally drive like a retard they'll probably do you alright and offer high mileage.
Until Formula teams drive on "Do Want Happy Happy Ling Ling Triangle Funtime" branded tires I think I'll stick the Higher margin stuff.
But 4 new tires of any brand is better than two used, a second hand and a retread, so if you're not convinced you can spring a few more dollars they're a better option than nothing at all.
Apr 2, 2:15am
Regardless your statement definitely isn't always true.
Apr 2, 2:17am
Just checked on a ute I repoed.Its on Westlakes and they are all well worn but look fine as in all worn evenly, side walls all tidy etc etc.The ute has had a very hard life with previous owner.Apparently was clocked at 180K.He did manage to have 3 frontal prangs - dont know if the tyres played a part in that though. For a runabout tyre they look fine to me.
Apr 2, 2:22am
Not always, a few cars I have driven with very random cheap Chinese brands tyres. Have performed very well to the point I haven't even noticed it over a normal brand tyre by the driving experience. Yes some chinese tyres are appalling but some have have got myself by surprise while on the road.
But personally I'd go for the known reputable brands and models anyday.
Apr 2, 2:25am
Saw 2 new corrollos once (rego numbers after each other).One had Michellen made in Japan and other had Avons(english) - work that out!
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