Left the boot open for maybe a couple of hours then car wouldn't start when I went to leave. The lights on the dash board and radio were still on though but we tried to jump start it without success. My son attached the jump leads and I don't think he did it in the order the handbook gives - both positives on both vehicles at same time then negative on starting car then negative on 'stalled" car. Don't know if this affected anything but now the key won't move at all in the ignition and the steering is locked. Is this all going to cost biggggggggggg $$$$$$s!
Apr 6, 2:55am
If he has fried the ECU then yes it will be big money, unless you can get a cheap second hand replacement.
Apr 6, 3:10am
Is it in park! What year 520i!
Apr 6, 3:28am
Yep it was in park and it's a 1992 model. Re having to connect the jump leads in the sequence is that the standard every time you use them!
Apr 6, 3:47am
Shouldn't be too dangerous. Did the jumper leads have a surge protector on them!
Go to www.bimmersport.co.nz and put a topic up there, you should find a few answers.
Apr 6, 4:20am
Thanks for the link - will have a look. And, no, I don't think they had a surge protector on them (not that I'd know one if I fell over it!). Actually had the carbooked in at the garage for Tuesday for maintenance and fixing of a few wee minor things. Might be some major stuff to add to the list!
Apr 6, 7:02am
Right, did a little research for you, it's quite common for e34 series BMW's (and E32's) to have a failing ignition barrel, but I expect it'd be getting worse, not a sudden thing. I had two E34s and on the dash it had the gear position (unless I'm thinking of my e36's), is yours saying park! Because it's possible that it's not registering that it's in park (even if the lever says so)
I'd also check all the fuses.
Apr 6, 2:57pm
Firstly, try turning the steering wheel while turning the ignition key. Often the steering lock drops in with weight loaded on the steering and it requires "un-weighting" to be able to turn the key. Secondly, all jumper leads are not created equal. Some of the cheap ones I've seen will not supply enough power to spin over a car with a dead flat battery while they will supply enough to power up the electrics. Make sure you are using good leads and they ae making good contact.
Apr 6, 3:00pm
so battery was jumperd right plus + to plus on other car and minus to - minus on other car!
Apr 6, 3:08pm
if the battery was complet flat then a other car wont be able to power it enough thru cheap jumper cables. Supercheap auto have 25% off right now you want the biggest mother jumper cable as you need loads of power and dc power needs thick cables for power its simply not worth to buy cables that are not at least as thick as your wives thumb. Itcan take up to 30 minutes till the empty battery will come back to run the car on its own. so you should probably buy a charger from supersheep that can charge a calcium battery as you probably have one of them and they need charging with that speacial charger to gain full capacity again once flat. plus when you flatten these 2 times in its live the 3th time it is scrap they wont charge no more after unlike older lead batterys.
Apr 6, 3:15pm
for the steering normally its a mechanical lock so it could be having a short in the steering lock. or here is the other reason why cars and vehicles do wierd things with lights on blowing horn window wiper going while car has key out off ignition. Reason for that most times is water got in to the electrical circuit bord of the fuses and made shorts across to things as the back of the unit has always power on most vehicles and the water corosion will make things go on. You need then a new fuse box and repair the damege like windscreen leak or like it did on my iveco turbodily water entered thru the wiring loom from inside engine as some animals have chewed off the rubber in europe they look similar to stoats we dont have that problem here as far as i am awear with them eating any rubber component on cars but there is loads other ways for water to enter the fuse box also.
Apr 6, 3:19pm
First is to free ignition key dont brake it off have somone wriggle steering and inspect the key if it looks worn could mean it wont work the lock correctly try another key that you should also have to see if that could be the locking steering problem.On older cars it is easy enough to change the ignition barrel and electric contacts , new ones with RFid chip in key are loads more problems and expense .
Apr 6, 3:24pm
also undo the battery therminal for now in the boot the minus only as that one wont shorten out when you hit the cars frame with a spannerto prevent further draining of the electrics and once you got the steering lock undone just disconnect battery instead off turning the ignition off and have it towed to a good mechanic or auto electrical place if the sterering lock is the problem Also post what exact year the car is so somone would know if the lock on steering is just meachanical not electric.
Apr 6, 4:52pm
He already said it's a 1992.
Apr 6, 6:35pm
Swap the battery over with a fully charged one.
Try starting in neutral with your foot on the brake. (it could be the transmission inhibiter switch).
Check all your fuses, including those under the back seat.
Try locking and unlocking the car with the remote a couple of times (for alarm related issues).
Your OBD connector under the bonnet has a remote starter pin number 11 if your ignition switch is broken. Pin number 14 is 12Vpower.
Apr 6, 6:44pm
Easiest way to jump start a flat battery with crap leads is to hook them up correctly and simply allow the "good" car to idle for 10-15min then try restart as this way you are charging the battery only with the slave car.
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