approx 250,000km (5 digit odo) Neighbour asked me to change the engine oil & filter.Have looked on Valvoline & Castrol websites, but they do not list the vehicle.
Can anyone advise what engine oil (viscosity) is needed, or will the el-cheapo Supercheap stuff like 'Gulf Western' be ok!thanks
Apr 22, 4:26am
Any oil will do -15/40. Being a Mitsi it will drink plenty of it,the cheaper the better
Apr 22, 4:29am
Yep. And oil filter should be a Z142A.
Apr 22, 4:31am
Thanks for that, wasnt sure if the little engine (1244cc) would take light thin oil, or the thick stuff.
Apr 22, 4:32am
Thanks for that, found the filter easy enough, but wasnt so easy finding the oil viscosity.
Apr 22, 4:33am
Yeah, thick stuff. Use 20w-40 or 20w-50, like poster #2 said, the cheapest oil you can get.
Apr 22, 4:34am
You might be able to use 20 50 in that if it's burning. (I haven't searched so not sure)
Apr 22, 4:47am
Cheers guys, Supercheap have 4 litre packs of Gulf Western ($14.90) & Valvoline All Climate ($22.49), both 20/50.Will probably use Gulf Western, to see how she goes, the engine purrs like new, doesnt smoke, but i noticed engine oil seeping around the seals, so hopefully the thick stuff will hinder the seepage.
Apr 22, 4:49am
I use the Valvoline in the rotary. I like it.
Apr 22, 4:53am
The 2 oils recommended are 10w-40 or the Gulf Western stuff will be fine. Should hold around 3.5L of oil. .Actually, Im just repeating what others have
Apr 27, 7:05pm
Update:Cheers guys for your help, the Gulf Western 20/50 loves this car.New filter, car runs like a champ.Only mishap was, some wonker over-tightened the sump-bolt, i needed an socket & breaker-bar with extension to get the damn thing loose.
While under the bonnet, i noticed afew other things that needed replacing aswell.The 'ballast resister' was brittle & rusty resistance wire (causing problematic starting issues), was difficult finding the correct one (no part number on the original resister), ended up getting the local auto-sparky to test the resistance of the wie, and turned out it was 1.8ohms (bnt), and slight misfire, (plugs).Runs even better now, nice in smooth.
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