On that note people who drive exactly the same in light rain (worse than heavy for control), hugging the car's arse in front of them and hugging my tail when I'm going around a corner in the rain on my motorcycle, yes you have 4 points of traction on the road, I only have two dickwad. Back off and give me some space
Apr 25, 4:38am
Motor cyclists who think it is there right to ride in between lanes especially at roundabouts and intersections.
Apr 25, 4:54am
Red line to the deadline baby!
The best is when you do it on on-ramps lights! sod waiting for those!
Apr 25, 5:02am
Unless they hit you who cares! It's themselves they are putting at risk and car drivers can be right twats to them opening doors and failing to look for them then they want them to fall in line and be miserable with them in traffic! I don't even own a bike and I can appreciate why they don't give a toss about what you think of them shooting up the lanes
I mean seriously! And she messed up someone's parked car. There are greater evils than some biker who is going to mess himself up on account of the twits on the road around them.
Apr 25, 5:16am
i only ride between the lanes in heavy traffic, with wide lanes and only when safe to do so. have had a few doors opened on me, i think next time il copy this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=CynS6oAka_c
Apr 25, 5:22am
Bikes are harder to see hence more collision with bikes since people are use to looking for cars. So why put yourself in that place of danger, especially when car drivers don't even see bikes often full stop. Then you split lanes with them, but yes all drivers can be poor at times.
Apr 25, 5:26am
That's not my place to play policeman for them. I'm still stuck in traffic, life goes on. At some point I'm going to get my bike licence so I can have a bike to roar about the country on, lots of fun.
Apr 25, 5:37am
All very well but you only get one chance at life if you get hit, the policeman can't fix the after mass.
Apr 25, 5:43am
That's their problem, also life is what you make it and I don't take well to others trying to shape it for me "cause they think.". I don't have a very high opinion of what most people think.
Apr 25, 5:44am
And when they see me on the road they should all park up and leave the road to me.Who do they think they are,don't they know i am the best driver on the road.just.sayin.
Apr 25, 5:56am
Turn in your lane when you're turning right at the lights, you lazy sods - you may want to go into the lane I'm turning into as I turn left into the same road, but that doesn't give you the right to veer across into my lane and make me (and everyone behind me) wait while you veer across both lanes.
People who've read the road code seem to understand that you indicate to change lanes once you've completed the turn. What's so damned difficult in that!
Apr 25, 4:25pm
#23, I understand what you are saying and I acknowledge these guys if I seem them & follow their instructions. But if its dark and you cant see them properly, then they dont have any right to go mental at you cos you kept going ahead. Sitting IN the car on the opposite side waiving their red stick at me isnt telling me what to do.thats simply waiving a stick. Then jumping out running over and yelling "STOP" at me is not professional. How about sitting in the Middle of the road and walking towards me to stop me, thats more like it.
I've had this happen twice, so not often but it does happen.
Apr 25, 10:47pm
Whilst I don't mind the lane splitting thing, I do object to the speeds that some of these guys get up to in stop start traffic. You can't see them when trying to change lanes, because they aint there 3 secs ago.
Apr 26, 12:46am
Agreed, I wouldn't go any faster than 20 kmh myself in stand still traffic, I see some blokes doing it at 50kmh, maddness!
Apr 26, 2:31am
Not actually allowd to sit in middle of the road we have to stay in our lane, the red wand is used at night because the reflective stop paddle can't be seen, the waving of the red wand to stop the traffic is the only tool we are allowd to use, its the same as the police use to stop traffic at night and is the international standard signal to stop in probably every country. Its hard to get out of the car and give every driver instructions when the whole convoy is moving down the road and we need to stay in radio contact with the truck driver if people dont stop. Even when we are stopping traffic for a bridge we some times hop out for really long bridges, but even then the lead piliot must keep moving to prevent vehicles from rounding a corner to stopped traffic. The guy shouldnt have gone mental at you that is unproffessional but from his point he probably has 20% of people ignore his instructions and that would wind up the most sane man after a few hours. Remember that if you see PURPLE lights and orange especially at night then the load is 5+ meters wide, our State Highway road lanes are 3m each so you will most likley need to stop even if he is just comming down the highway not only for the bridges. The waving of the red wand is the international signal to stop just like the police use it for. Yes it is "simply waving a stick" but its all we can do.
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