1. respect the speed limit in new tar seal or road works, if I am driving at 50km because that is what the sign says, just because there is two lanes, "u" don't have to go past doing 100.
2. The new give rule does not override, give way, stop signs, or traffic lights.please do not honk at me when I am turning on a green arrow and you are on a give way you have driven striaght thru, I do not have to stop for you. 3. please add your comments
Apr 24, 3:35am
4. Impatient as**oles please to not drive up peoples rear end's.
Apr 24, 3:42am
When you overtake me because I am doing 100kph in my van, thats fine but why the hell do you slow down to 90kph so I have to overtake you in order tomaintain the speed I was originaly doing.
Apr 24, 3:45am
dip head lights .turn off your fog lamps.they are for fog, not every day driving.yip agree back off and don't pull into the space betwee me and the vehicle in front, I am observing the 2 second rule and you just cut it to half a second.
Apr 24, 3:51am
Dickheads who talk to their friends in another car along side them at 30k and hold everyone else up! No your not cool. Wish I still had my last car sometimes, didn't mind risking a wee knock scrape or bump in 20 y.o. dunnydore
Apr 24, 3:56am
Joggers running on the road when there are two perfectly good footpaths to use.
People who back into the closest lane to them and then drive for a while on the wrong side of the road. Lazy buggers.
Apr 24, 3:59am
Push bikes with no lights in the dark.seen two on the way to work the other day at 6am, in the fog and dark.just as well my car lights showed enough thru the fog, in the lane when there was plenty of room for them to be on the left of the solid edge line and much safer area for them to ride.
Apr 24, 4:03am
Cyclists with that disorder that causes something similiar to this:
Road, footpath, pedestrian crossing, footpath, road, footpath, road, sneak right up to the front at the lights(just so I can hold up all the traffic when it goes green) Some of them deserve to get knocked off. Pulling that sorta crap
Apr 24, 4:08am
so true and hate being around a school when it lets out with the kids on bikes.night mare stuff. Also cars that try to over take you and the truck you are letting in as that is the way the road is set up, they get a run on for speeding up to enter the traffic flow, so many just have to get past. I am yet to seea truck driver not acknowledge you have given way to them, and most will pull over to the side to let you past as soon as possible. Its just a bit of road respect. And I do ride a motor bike as well as drive a car at different times
Apr 24, 4:25am
Hey everyone. Lets rename this forum to handbags, knitting and waffling on about pointless shit shall we!
This is the only car relatedforum I've looked on in the last month where no single mention has been made of the Porsche 918 going into production or the new 700hp F12 release.
Did any of you know the Danes recently built a 7 litre twin-charged V8 coupe!Doubt it, but you're all over where to get the best car air freshener or having a whinge about getting cut off by a cyclist.
Apr 24, 4:52am
Don't care about the porsche 918 to be frank.
Apr 24, 5:19am
Very very annoying, happens a lot in Auckland. Had one today cut in front by about 2m, boy did she get a scare when I tooted my loud horns. They don't gve way they just force their way in.
Apr 24, 5:22am
If you can't drive in wet weather.don't. you just eff everyone elses day up.grumble, grumble grumble - effn 2 hours to work.
Apr 24, 6:13am
It is a motoring forum where people discuss everyday motoring issues that most of us can relate to, not some schoolboys pipe dream fantasy discussion time about cars that no one can afford, let alone give a fat rats ass about.
Apr 24, 4:24pm
Maintain close to the speed limit.put your foot down when going uphill and back off when going downhill. Easy as, really. Don't lock the ankle when at 90-100 kph on the flat and expect it to get you up hills at the same speed.
Accelerate when you pull out in front of people who have the right of way on the state highway. Nothing more frustrating than bowling along at 100 only to have some nana pull out from a side road and take 3 days to get to 90, and then think that's ok and when you have to brake to not run into the back of them, slow down because they think you're too close!
Apr 24, 5:20pm
dont do 80 when i cant overtake you and then speed up over 100 when the overtaking lane comes up
Apr 24, 6:19pm
foxdonut. If the thread doesnt interest you then simple. dont read it.
Apr 24, 6:31pm
I will do exactly that if I'm going at a steady speed and someone goes ahead and pulls out right in front of me, then takes a good 20 seconds to get up to the speed i was already doing
Apr 24, 6:38pm
thats different, and i would do the same. Im talking about the ones where you are driving at 60ks with a van up your behind. Then once at a roundabout they use the left lane and overtake around the outside and tailgate the next car in front. However a quick step on the brakes usually fixes this
Apr 25, 12:48am
mirrors are not just decoration - learn to use them people!
Apr 25, 1:41am
foxdonut wrote:
Hey everyone. Lets rename this forum to handbags, knitting and waffling on about pointless shit shall we!
This is the only car related forum I've looked on in the last month where no single mention has been made of the Porsche 918 going into production or the new 700hp F12 release.
Did any of you know the Danes recently built a 7 litre twin-charged V8 coupe! Doubt it, but you're all over where to get the best car air freshener or having a whinge about getting cut off by a cyclist.
Dork. Haven't even got the guts to leave your post up eh!
Apr 25, 2:11am
*People who dont realise the stopping distance of heavy trucks, about 200meters to stop from 90km/hr without loosing control. *Cyclists who ride double file and over the left solid white line - death wish. *Cyclists who ride up the left side of trucks at roundabouts, Im not looking in the left mirror Im looking for the traffic to the right, and my trailer will cut the corner to the curb edge as I go around- death wish. *Cars that cut up the inside while Im going wide for a turn, my indicator is on, Im turning into a narrow road so I need to go WIDE to make the turn, DONT go up the inside just because there is room, I may not see you until I feel the trailer wheels run up your door. *When a "WIDE LOAD FOLLOWS" pilot vehicle holds up a sign saying STOP then STOP simple he is a certified traffic controler and we dont stop people for NO reason, its because you WONT FIT PAST.
Apr 25, 2:48am
A certified traffic controller! How grand is that!
I agree dip your lights when oncoming car are coming aslo you only need two head lights on not 6 as most cars have. I have a hlaf drive in the mornings at 6 am and most car drivers don;t know how to dip there lights so if your one of these people get off the road now before you cause a accident and take a driving course.
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