fitting new engine mounts to my 304 on the engine stand,spanner slipped flew across the shed and heard a loud crack,turned around and theres my new windscreen waiting to be fitted to my project commy full of cracks, thought it was safe sitting in my old couch in the corner lol SPEWIN never mind they still making them gotta laugh i suppose, anyone else had their share of motoring mishaps!
Apr 28, 12:04am
darn.maybe get better spanners
Apr 28, 12:08am
One time (at band camp) I filled the engine with new oil and soon realised I'd forgotten to put the sump plug back in lol.
Apr 28, 12:14am
A number of years back a mate was doing valve clearances from memory on a motorbike. Had it in the lounge (as you do) and we decided a compression test was in order just to make sure all was well. I held the gauge, he pushed the button and promptly amputated two of my fingers. October 31rst it was to. He was good enough to spin motor backwards an pop the ends out a well to bring to the hospital. But they just tidied the ends up and let it heal.
Apr 28, 12:24am
Apr 28, 12:44am
We had an apprentice carrying out a service on an almost new hilux, ran the oil hose over to it, clicked it on autofeed then got distracted. 65 litres of oil later someone noticed the big puddle under the truck. Big mess, oil dripping out exhaust pipe, engine covered, customer waiting in customer lounge to pick up truck. Took a long time to get it sorted and for it to stop smoking luckily customer was easygoing guy and saw the funny side
Apr 28, 12:56am
Double Damn. You'll never play the piano (the same way) again.
Apr 28, 12:57am
Coworker and I were lifting a Nissan Safari rear axle off rack about 5ft off ground. I stood on another bloody diff on the floor and lost my footing. Went down hard, I tried to shove the axle away while I was going down but it was too quick and I copped it across my forearm and top of my thigh.
Lucky I didn't break anything but my arm swelled up from wrist to elbow andhad the biggest bruise in my life. It started just left of me Crown Jewels, up over my thigh and around to my arse cheek!
Apr 28, 12:58am
This week watching an apprentice jacking up a car thinking the fuel tank was structual. He ended up rupturing it!
Apr 28, 1:02am
You watched him jack it till it ruptured! I probably would have called out to him or something, but hey
Apr 28, 1:04am
From where i was you couldnt see where the jack was underneath. It wasnt to i came in the room you could see where it was! I just came out of the kitchen!
Apr 28, 1:04am
Well now that you mention it when I had to wright to ACC as to how this would effect me I put, "would never be able to play guitar or piano if I wanted to with ease in later life" .Never really learnt either but in life you never really know what you may want to do. And that was back when fingers were worth a 1/8of a good house.
Apr 28, 1:06am is you workshop in a house!!
Apr 28, 1:08am
kitchen / lunchroom. Has a mini cooktop, fridge, toaster etc, couch.
Apr 28, 1:09am
No pie warmer huh! You need a pie warmer for those cold winters morning smoko's
Apr 28, 1:12am
Not a smoker but got a microwave. Lol
Apr 28, 1:29am
My father was asked to weld the rim on a BIG BIG dump truck back in the late 1960's.Tyre blew up under him; shape of his body was imprinted into the roof of the garage.(He got out of it OK with a lot of bruises)
Apr 28, 1:52am
Removed the 727 and transfer case from the old 4x4 dodge ram on the sloping front lawn with the 3 tonne trolley jack. of course it slipped and caught my fingers. took it out to Eric at henderson to get rebuilt. When reinstalled and fired up there was a plug behind the torque converter that wasn't reinstalled. So the whole assembly had to come out again. On the lawn, with the jack. Miss that truck.
Apr 28, 1:53am
Drained the oil out of the 460, put on the new filter.Filled up with Kendalls 20/50 (expensive).All good.Started car.All good.Car is in the garage at home at this point.Started hearing strange squelchy noises.Turned car off very quickly.Large puddle of nice new oil under the car, which was still growing quickly.Tried tightening up the new oily oil filter, which didn't help much.Took the filter off (more mess) and discovered that when I took the old filter off, the oil ring had stayed on the block, so when I spun the new one on, there was a double ring, which held nicely until the motor / oil warmed up a bit, then let go.Massive mess to clean up, as well as the expense of all new oil again ! In case you are wondering why I didn't see the old ring, the car was on low axle stands, so I was crammed under it when doing the job. Now I always check that the rubber ring has come off with the old filter :-) -- This was in the 80's, I don't have a V8 anymore :-(
Apr 28, 2:21am
still happens extrayda to this day.
Apr 28, 2:26am
Yup, our newest apprentice did this not too long ago. He also put a thermostat in the wrong way.
Apr 28, 2:39am
Most painful memories: Burnishing small parts and fingers dragged into wire wheel. Pulling petrol line off fuel tank and petrol in eyes. Removing sprung tilt-a-door. fingers caught in spring. Welding slag down the boots. Damn fingers.
Apr 28, 2:47am
welding slag in your ear too,sounds like something frying in there, sore too!
Apr 28, 3:05am
workmate lowered the jack under the diff without the wheels on. And I changed rear brake pads on my own car at home and forgot to pump pedal so handbrake didn't work and took off into the bamboo. shot
Apr 28, 3:12am
referred to at the engineering place I used to work as a 'fizzer'.
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