Pick a part, no kids rule

slimdog, Apr 13, 5:26pm
How strict are they on the no kids rule, would they refuse you entry if you turn up with a little helper!

budgel, Apr 13, 5:32pm
Dunno, but if you are busy getting your part of, who is looking after the kid!

slimdog, Apr 13, 5:40pm
I think I'll deal with it the same way I do when I cook, do grocery shopping, and other things in real life while at the same time in charge of the boy.

msigg, Apr 13, 5:43pm
Could be a real health and safety situation in a car yard like that. Remember there could be others swinging tools around near you too. All the best.

slimdog, Apr 13, 5:49pm
I understand why they have the rule. If I was taking off something deep within an engine bay that would take 1 hour min I wouldn't bother, but all I need is a centre lap belt. Funny you should say swinging tool though, a friend of mines father was practicing golf swings on the beach, and her dog ran in front, got badly smashed in the leg. So accidents can happen anywhere (I'm sure he have been more aware of a child running, but still)

smac, Apr 13, 6:30pm
The point is when you are doing the groceries, cooking, playing golf at the beach, the kid is your problem. If it's in a yard of rusty old poorly balanced sharp car bodies they choose to not want it to be their problem. The only way of asking is to ask them.

slimdog, Apr 13, 6:34pm
Yeah they do have it on their website, its pretty clear. I was kindoff hoping someone would say "Dont worry, its more of a disclaimer, they understand if if your going in and out." I haven't been in there before.

jcwholesale, Apr 13, 6:58pm
It is a dangerous environment

un_known, Apr 13, 9:01pm
they're pretty strict on all their rules. so ill doubt they'll let kids in regardless of what part your after.

slimdog, Apr 13, 9:09pm
ok thanks, I have found a guy wrecking car locally so that might save the trip. still quite keen to take a look one day. With no kids.

thunderbolt, Apr 13, 9:39pm
Tell them he is a midget and it it unlawful to discriminate.

slimdog, Apr 13, 11:09pm
You sir are a genius.

motorboy2011, Apr 13, 11:44pm
paint the kid orange and put a green wig on them.

n1smo_gtir, Apr 14, 7:51pm
put a beard on him and paint on some wrinkles.

taintedkitten, Apr 14, 9:30pm
Someone tried to take in an older kid once, looked 8-10 years, and was refused.

nightboss, Apr 14, 9:31pm
Just say his name is JACK, he is good for getting under cars.