Volkswagen Sharan 2.8l

kowhai19, Apr 14, 3:28am
I am still looking for that 7 seater = i like the look of this but need more info eg chain/cam, reliability.

00basil00, Apr 14, 3:33am
Avoid the sharan, total pos, although the 2.8 vr6 is solid the rest of it is just crap

gammelvind, Apr 14, 3:42am
Shhhhh Basil you are about to be pounced on by you know who lol.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 14, 3:43am
Pretty pointless asking about anything not Japanese on here nowadays, you will get few if any sensible answers.
The Multipla is better than the Sharan (and pretty much everything in that price range) but the Sharan is better than a lot of the other options.

Bit thirsty on gas but no worse than some of the others and at least you get some grunt to show for it. Its timing chain driven and the motor is really good. The transmission is the weak point. If you buy one with reasonable km's on the clock that is shifting nicely and get it serviced straight away its probably gong to be O.K though. The problem is not really the transmission as such, more so the lack of servicing.

Potentially a nice tidy 5K Sharan is a lot of people mover for the money. Its not going to be perfect for reliability but realistically there are few competitors for that sort of cash that will be better.

Very nice comfortable powerful machine. but really why don't you buy a Multipla. Its hands down the best thing in your price range and literally half the price to run of most of its competitors while still being very practical, reliable and nice to drive.

kowhai19, Apr 14, 3:52am
:):) I haven't been able to find a Multipla and have breen looking hard. The other vehicle I'm now looking at is a Mazda Premacy 1999!

thejazzpianoma, Apr 14, 3:53am
There have been several really good Multipla's go on here lately in your price range over the last couple of months. I would have pointed them out to you if I had known you were considering one.

kowhai19, Apr 14, 3:54am
I missed them, school holidays etc. I'll keep looking out for one.

kowhai19, Apr 14, 3:56am
I would definitely look seriously at a Multipla, been a bit unwell and prob missed them, have negotiated on a few others but missed out.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 14, 3:58am
No panic these things happen. Seriously though, in the around 5K price range they are just so much better than anything else you can buy and well worth the wait for a good one.

Keep an eye on Turners and Sella. Turners often sell ex-CYPS Multipla's and they are all diesel ones and I would expect fairly well maintained.

Best of luck with your search, sorry to hear you havn't been well.

franc123, Apr 14, 3:59am
OP clearly hasn't sighted a Multipla yet lol. Make sure theres a brown paper bag handy for the vomit.

countrypete, Apr 14, 4:02am
This has to be a wind up.I'm going fishing in the morning, and the OP is welcome to come with me, as he / she seems to be really good at setting the bait.

trdbzr, Apr 14, 4:55am

craig04, Apr 14, 3:22pm
That index is only relevant when used by Jazz.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 14, 4:43pm
Actually I am happy to stand by that index. You do need to read it in context though.

Firstly, as mentioned above the Sharan is not the most reliable car on the road, I am not trying to pretend that it is. But when you put it into the context of what else is available in a people mover for the same money, its not really any worse to live with from a servie/reliability perspective than most of its competitors. The early Estima and Serena for example.

Also. the poor rating is also affected by two things. The 4WD version, which is generally not available here did have some issues and the transmission as mentioned. The transmission problems however are mostly avoidable. If you look at the reliability index page you will see the percentages of these failures and hopefully get where I am coming from.

In short, its not the perfect vehicle. BUT I would much rather drive and live with one than the first generation Estima, Serena, Chariot and several of the others in the price range. Also. at least you are getting a really nice ride/comfort/power and some safety in return for the odd problem now and then. Some of the others tend to have just as many problems without any real benefit.

Bottom line though. the Multipla is the one to buy (sorry I have said this a LOT). Its going to give you the comfort/safety/power AND the economical running and reliability. Its by far the best thing in the price range bar none.

whqqsh, Apr 14, 4:46pm
whenever I see those I cant help thinking of Ozzy Osbourne yelling to his wife. 'SHARONNN'!

mugenb20b, Apr 14, 5:03pm
Interestingly, you managed to name some of the shittiest Jap people movers to compare the Sharan with. What about the ones which are better than the Sharan, like a Honda Odyssey (fwd, 4 cyl.), Toyota Ipsum and Mazda MPV (fwd, 4 cyl.)!

trdbzr, Apr 14, 5:25pm
Jazz ensures that facts never get in the way of a good drivel

bellky, Apr 14, 5:27pm
Where will it end. Honestly.