OK, so there's a particular vehicle in Auckland we may want to purchase.Can anyone recommend a reputable vehicle inspection company!I'm after someone who can give a thorough mechanical inspection mainly.Sure the appearance is important too, but I'd rather they miss a stone chip here and there rather than overlooking a major oil leak or wheel bearing about to implode etc.
And what is a ballpark price vehicle inspectors charge - never had one done before.
May 1, 8:20pm
Go to the dealer if you don't know any garages. Steer clear of AA and such. depends on the vehicle what you could expect to pay.
May 1, 8:23pm
Wherabouts in auckland! We are based in Point Chev, we charge $80 for most vehicles to do a mechanical inspection.
May 1, 8:37pm
The vehicle is in Glenfield.I don't know Auckland at all, (we're in Invercargill), so not sure how far away that is.Paul, do you travel to see the car, or do you need it taken to your workshop!
I still have to make contact with the owner again to be sure we want to go further with this vehicle, but it seems the most likely so far.
Well that's an interesting bit of info - don't need any of that info for Invergiggle - you're only ever 5 minutes away from anywhere in rush hour with a headwind on your bicycle.
How accurate is the travel time info!Having lived in Sydney for a number of years you get to know that how long a journey 'should' take can sometimes be exponentially different in reality.
May 1, 9:10pm
That 22 minutes would be about right - probably less in reality except, of course, at peak times, which could be near double that.
May 1, 9:10pm
I don't do peak times travel. Just another advantage of being self-employed.
May 1, 9:27pm
Aye.Rush hour for me is when the kids leave all their toys on the floor between my bed and the office. Sometimes 25 seconds to work, other times half an hour of picking up dolls, Lego and tiny-little-bits-of-paper-all cut-up-because-they-found-the-- scissors-this-morning.
But that sure beats sitting stationary in the M2 tunnel for 20 mins at 6.30am waiting for a crash to be cleared 3kms up the road because someone thought it would be a great idea to change lanes without looking.
May 1, 10:11pm
Car Inspection services mobile service that covers all of auckland and do a great job 0800500800
May 2, 1:16am
Any idea how much they cost!
May 2, 1:36am
if its a 4 cylinder pertol car it will cost $145 which includes a compression test.
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