. Nothing will happen to anyone .you will do the correct thing and contact Police. end of story. No need to make any silly comments like see what happens to you.It is at the end of the day only a car.
Dec 31, 7:14pm
i was considering fitting a new alarm to my car as the old one is stuffed.i think i'll fit a tracker instead. fit it with a back up battery and horn activation too.(maybe a tazer in the seat too)
Dec 31, 7:47pm
One of the reasons they work so well at the moment is they are relatively uncommon.Once they become more standard thieves will be more aware of what to look for and how to circumvent.
Dec 31, 8:22pm
thats why a GOOD installation of a cheap system is better than a crap install of an expensive system.i had to re-wire my car alarm as the muppet "certified installer" put all the fuses and connections for my alarm right under tha dash behind the steering lock! WTF!
Dec 31, 8:34pm
What a brillant story, I might put one in my car and on my project car. happy new year
Dec 31, 8:37pm
You should contact the company that makes the GPS tracker and pass your story and video on to them. Nothing like a great success story to sell more of them for the company AND for them to feel good about the things they make!
It's awesome to hear FINALLY of 2 success stories on the MB. Definitely ordering a tracker now, screw the alarm!
Jan 1, 1:02am
those gps units can send a text to you as soon as they are drivena distance from your house.just set that up properly and youd know straight away. set up your phone as the cars best mate on the sim and the texts dont even cost!
Jan 1, 1:05am
totally agree. My daughters car was damaged in an attempted theft, little scrote bag admitted and pleaded guilty, but has also pleaded poverty, so I am now out of pocket the excess I paid when we got the car repaired. Can take it to disputes tribunal but have been told not to hold my breath!
Jan 1, 4:53am
this will not send if out of coverage though will it!. i know here in new plymouth you only have to drive half hour to be out of cell coverage and then they can remove it if found . is this right!
Jan 1, 3:40pm
If 2 and 3G connections are to be believed, they are quite good at covering most if not all population centres. Here is Telecom's coverage map for the 'Naki:
except this time I had gps tracking! here is the recovery video i took this morning. stolen sometime after 1130pm last night, noticed it was gone at 7am this morning. had it back by 750am. my car is the stagea wagon in the video. 2 other cars were found to be stolen on the same property video at http://www.youtube.com/watch!v=y6-o0S5TmIA&list=UUrl_5tV_TQkyTNjMtBIIcbQ&index=1&feature=plcp
Dec 22, 3:08pm
Good result mate.
Dec 22, 3:10pm
Good job, should have jumped the fence and smaked the prick in the head while you had a chance. Even if you do get done for assult it would have been worth it.
Dec 22, 3:12pm
Fantastic great news
Dec 22, 3:17pm
what tracker did you have on it!
Dec 22, 3:31pm
Did the car have an alarm system!
Good result!
74 Nova, anger management classes are usually free!
Dec 22, 3:35pm
Good shit man! Whats the addy!
Dec 22, 3:44pm
I think anger is perfectly fustified when some thieving scrote makes off with someting you have worked for. I would happily snap every finger of a thief.
Dec 22, 3:59pm
Good one.
Dec 22, 4:04pm
You seem to have bad luck with getting cars stolen, I guess they want the parts.RB engines etc. maybe take your ECU out at night time, should slow them down a bit
Dec 22, 4:17pm
Other than recovery of the car, were any arrests made! And yes, what GPS tracker you use!
Dec 22, 4:31pm
Brilliant!.if every vehicle (with consideration of course) had such a device a lot of crime,anger,insurance,accident- s,profiteering and police time could be avoided. What was the tracker used!
Dec 22, 4:54pm
Hey Awesome, our family/work vehicle was stolen last Thursday and I am fully like. wish I had one of those GPS tracker things. hindsight! What a cool result. I am going to take a look at the vid now and hopefully one of the other vehicles is ours.
Dec 22, 5:00pm
that cop wasnt allowed to tell you to stop recording.you have every right to record on public property, as you wern't on public property it would be up to the owner to ask you to stop
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