Overhang on vehicle!

lisah23, Dec 23, 7:13pm
How much overhang can i have on my hilux!I have taken the canopy off and am wanting to take two canoes out.How much over hang am i allowed with the tailgate down!Thanks

msigg, Dec 23, 7:43pm
1 metre

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 8:04pm
In daylight 1 metre without a flag. In daylight with a flag, 4m.

bashfulbro, Dec 23, 8:07pm
the law says you are allowed 4 metres.or 70% of your wheelbase.whichever is the lesser,. so in your case it will be 70% of W/B.measure wheelbase ( middle of front wheel to middle of back wheel ) you can legally have 70% of that measurement.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 8:11pm
That's for heavy rigid vehicles.

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 8:12pm

bashfulbro, Dec 23, 8:14pm
Sorry, just rechecked Mass & dimension rule, above applies to heavy Motor vehicle.all other vehicles are 4.00 metrs, so you can have 4.00 metres, but you must have a yellow,red,orange flag at least 400 x300, if exceeding 1 metre

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 23, 8:17pm
Yes. See Table 4.1 'Rear Overhang' for the 4m limit.

lisah23, Dec 24, 2:49am
thanks heaps.

henderson_guy, Dec 24, 3:16am
Just make sure if it is more than 1m past the rear of your ute, that you attach a flag to it, even a white rag. And if you have it on at night, then a red light needs to be on it, a bicycle light works well for this.

mrcat1, Dec 24, 1:25pm
Once again it's for heavy vehicles, this is the right fact sheet for light vehicles which is what the guy asked about,http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/factsheets/13b/light-rigid-vehicles.html

tonyrockyhorror, Dec 24, 1:54pm
Ummm no. The rule applies to ALL vehicles.
"This rule applies to all vehicles in Table A in the rule".
http://nzta.govt.nz/resources/rules/vehicle-dimensions-and-mass-2002.html#objective One of which is Class MA. http://nzta.govt.nz/resources/rules/vehicle-dimensions-and-mass-2002.html#tablea

mrcat1, Dec 25, 1:00am
The rules you posted are mainly for Heavy vehicles, which most people have no understanding off, what i posted was the factsheet which is easy as well as the description of how to relate the rules and measurements to a particular vehicle, in this case a Hilux. And the particular load he was carrying being a kayak, what you didn't explain is actually where the 4 meters fits on a vehicle, in this case from the center of the rear axle rearwards 4 meters. Just for your information a 4x4Hilux is not a MA classified vehicle, it is in fact a MC classed vehicle.

skin1235, Jul 9, 4:42pm
put the canopy back on, put a couple of softly inflated tubes up there, put the kayak on top, firmly but not too tightly strap the kayak/s down, all done inside the body length and you have room for the kit that ivariable travels with kayaks for a couple of days at the lakes