a current WOF!Not talking some banger here talking something in the $10-$20k range!
Dec 28, 8:04pm
No. For that sort of money the absence of a $50 WoF inspection would ring alarm bells.
Dec 28, 8:05pm
Yip.Cause it's a great bargin chip and for people like me that would check out a car in person first it could mean I get the car 1-2k cheaper for the inconvenience
Dec 28, 8:06pm
Absolutely not, unless it was something extremely special worth spending a lot more on, like a Rolls Royce or something highly desirable and collectible
Dec 28, 8:19pm
I would still give it the once over (very carefully)but I would really wonder why the seller doesnt spend the $50 to put propective buyers minds at ease.
Dec 28, 8:21pm
Lets face it unless rust is the issue most WoF repairs arent going to be greatly expensive .probably under $1000 at worst so its not necessarily a big deal. Just a warning to be cautious and do your homework on costs against buy price.
Dec 28, 8:29pm
10 to 12k why not get an AA report done or a VTNZ inspection,for piece of mind.if seller says no then walk away
Dec 28, 8:29pm
it could be that the owner has been away and hasn't had a chance to put it through a WOF again. If it's a private seller I would just say that the vehicle sale is subject to a WOF being placed on the car at the seller's expense. If it's at auction ie at Turners then it is what it is, and having no WOF is what you would expect when paying substantially less than retail, even though the car may not be in retail condition.
Dec 28, 8:38pm
Best thing to do is take it for a test drive to the warrant place and get one
Dec 28, 9:03pm
Only after first asking and negotiating a price for if it passes.
Dec 28, 9:03pm
msigg That is a sneaky thing to do, and should be done with the owners consent only. It is not your car to do with what you like, it is the owners until it is paid for. Typical public, think they can do anything even with other peoples property.
Dec 28, 9:06pm
If someone took my unwarrented car to a warrent place and it was issued with a new warrentand paid for man would I be pissed off. Not sure why though.
Dec 28, 9:07pm
Take it to your tame mechanic for a pre-purchase, and ask them to point out anything that would be a WOF issue. Last time I took a car for a pre-purchase, they pointed stuff out (only tyres, but still). That sort of money, I'd be wanting my mechanic to look at it anyway
Dec 28, 9:08pm
Exactly. Common courtesy. Something that is becoming more rare.
Dec 28, 9:09pm
Yeah, because it's your car to do with as you please. wait, no it isn't!
Dec 28, 9:11pm
i'd be happy as the seller, free wof
Dec 28, 9:12pm
I sold a old banger with no reg and wof for 10 grand.
I also know of anther that sold a week before xmas with no reg or wof. that one wasnt even driveable. $10K
Dec 28, 9:15pm
a while back I was looking at buying a car with no wof asked the seller to take it for a wof at my expense to see what it would need seller said fine it came out with a huge list so I walked away
Dec 28, 9:16pm
Assuming it passes. If it doesn't, and the car previously had a WOF (no matter how new it is) it will be nulled because of the failed WOF.
Dec 28, 9:17pm
Would be almost as bad as some yob puttin 12 months rego on it if it had run out, how terrable would that be. But as for buying with out a new warrent or no warrent Id be wanting to know why it dosent have one as well. maybe there that behind in the payments, credit cards x 5 are maxed, all the deffered payments are now due and they just cant afford a warrent.
Dec 28, 9:18pm
It is against the law to sell a car without a WOF that is less than 30 days old, even private sellers come into this category.
Dec 28, 9:20pm
i bought a car in 08 for 12g that wasn't drivable and hadn't had a wof since 02/03
Dec 28, 9:21pm
you can opt out of that law by selling in aiwi condition i hope you know. or are you just trying to wind people up
Dec 28, 9:34pm
So if I sell my car to the wreckers its got to have a warrent, DAM.
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