Having used many different polishing compounds over the years and feeling the texture of them I got to thinking that Jiff felt very similer. Anyway I finallly got around to seeing just what happens when you replace the polish.cutter with Jiff. Well as I thought it works very well as mild cutter/polish when using a buffer. I got an old gaurd with good paint on it sanded it with the DA using 1500 and then buffed with Jiff. Certainly shone it up but didnt remove the sander swirls as well as actuall cutting compound but the Jiff seemed less course anyway. But It did work as a polish none the less and shone the surface very well. Now I DONT recommend using this or any other cutter on a rag and rubbing at spot as you will mark the paint. And used Ajax version of Jiff as thats what was in the cupboard at the time. I will try Jiffs Jiff at some time as I reckon its courser.
May 2, 6:59am
I've used jiff before to get rust out of chips in paintwork before touch up - works well
May 2, 7:01am
May 2, 7:03am
its also the best thing for cleaning up those crappy plastic head light lenses vtnz failed a guy on dulled lenses and said repco sold the proper cleaner cost him $70 and i done it with jiff while doing the rest of the repairs it also polishs crome nicely to
May 2, 7:05am
Chemico is better for the lights and chrome IMHO.
May 2, 7:06am
Didn't know they still made it - haven't seen it in the supermarket for a while, where do you get it!
May 2, 7:07am
Jiff is a good cleaner on white cars for grubby marks still there after cleaning the car.a nice finish off
May 2, 7:07am
yes i would be interested in finding some more chemico its good stuff
May 2, 7:08am
I have used Jiff in lieu of Scuff Stuff when I've run out of it. Works OK for that.
May 2, 7:10am
Yea was gunna try that two. And Jiff only costs a few bucks a bottle LOL
May 2, 7:11am
Sorry, when you say the lense, do you mean the chrome inside the actual headlight or the exterior plastic on the headlight as I have headlights (plastic outers) that are slightly yellowed and would like to know what to use to bring back to that nice fully transparent glass like look.Btw is it acrylic or some other plastic!Thanks.
May 2, 7:14am
Yep, quite a saving. It's a bit on the fine side and needs more elbow grease though, I still use Scuff Stuff because it's faster.
May 2, 7:14am
yes im talking about the plastic exterior jiff will do a good
May 2, 7:15am
Chemico is at times hard to track down but it was pac and save where I got it from last time, been awhile though. Do you ones find the past or the liquid better! I use the liquid and found it great for almost everything, then I thought I would try the paste thinking it was more consentrate and do better on harder stuff but found it useless.
May 2, 7:17am
the paste is all right if you like scrubing
May 2, 7:18am
Hey!Thanks for that!Will give it a go in an inconspicuous place first of all.
May 2, 7:19am
realtrader1 some times you may have to do it a couple of times to get it all out and ive found circular motion works best
May 2, 7:19am
Chemico is the sh1t
May 2, 7:21am
What the hell have you 2 been smoking! I know we painters are renown for finding short cuts but geezz fellas.
May 2, 7:22am
It's called doing whatever's expedient to get the car out the door and the money in the bank.
May 2, 7:23am
Hey up to $40 plus for a bottle of cutter or couple bucks for Jiff LOL.But I dont reckon the jiff lasts as well as actuall cutter. No I dont intend to buff cars with Jiff but it did work LOL.
May 2, 7:26am
I reckon toothpaste would work as a scuffing agent too, and freshen breath at the same time. Wait. you know you're soaking in it!
May 2, 7:27am
no i reserve the toothpaste for lightly scratched cd's
May 2, 7:28am
I can see it now.
Thread title."Help, my cars paint is really dull 2 months after cut & polish"
You 2 have just set the path for any number of backyarders to 'run' down when someone says to them "hey dude can ya buff my car to make it shiny", as soon as customer leaves, out comes the Jiff LOL.
May 2, 7:29am
I've used G3 for scuffing up blends when I have run out if scuff stuff. Works ok.
The best thing I like about Scuff Stuuf is the way it sticks to the panel when you dab it on.
On a large job with various blend out areas you cab go around the vehicle dabbing it on in one go, and once you get to it with the scoth pad its still there. Rather than slunk down the panel.
But. Pretty keen on giving Jiff a go with the buff though. LOL
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