Can anyone tell me how many kms to a litre of petrol you would use with a van like the above please, I know of someone that gets roughly 300km per $90 worth of petrol. Cheers! and thanks in advance :-)
May 2, 11:15pm
Does it have a rotary in it!
May 3, 1:50am
It doesn't have a rotary motor, its carburetor so I guess just a standard motor. Cheers
May 3, 2:08am
Those Bongo's are the same as the Nissan Vannette and Ford Econovan's aren't they. Depends what motor. We have an array of them at work and everyone seems to get very different fuel figures. Some only get 280 km to a tank whilst others can easily push 360. The one im in at the mo constantly gets350km to a tank.
May 3, 2:18am
Its a 2 litre motor, is it the way you drive them as some ppl are heavy footed, its automatic as well.
May 3, 6:38am
300k on 40litres yep I could believe that. Filled up today tank nearly dry - 360k 46lt. Some open road driving, no hills. Got one and its worse on fuel than turbo subaru! Shocking on fuel but underpowered, always loaded with tools etc so always pedal to metal. Don't get one if you are tall or well built as theres not all that much room. Don't get one if you want to be comfortable, and open road for 40min or more you will have ringing ears, essentialy 30yo technology with some new plastics. On the plus side they are disguistingly simple and basic and as reliable as they are problems other than seatbelts that don't retract. 5 years in and never let anyone down JMO
EDIT to say 1800 injected. Manual
May 3, 7:01am
Pump up your tyres to 40 psi and coast to a stop rather than stomping on the brakes. That'll make a BIG difference to fuel economy. Pumping up your tyres will also help them last longer, as many fail WOF's because of under inflation prematurely wearing them out.
May 3, 3:28pm
Thanks for all this info, am so greatful for all your help - Cheers :-)
May 3, 4:57pm
I have a Ford Econovan (same as Bongo) with the 2L carb engine set up as a hightop campervan.This makes the van heavy (it's 2400kg) and use more fuel; I am getting about 400km per 60L tank or around 15l/100km.Tyres are at 50psi.
May 5, 2:53pm
Mines a 1985 4WD manual 5-speed carbie, F8 engine, tyres at 45psi, Full tank with mainly round town driving, getting 450-475km on a tank. I'm a nana style driver though. Bloody good vans considering they're only worth 2K ish.
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