Car Owners! Eff Me!

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zephyrheaven, May 3, 2:54am
So anyway. Bloke rolls in wanting a wof, car full of dog hair back seat actually about 4" deep not kidding / entire floor of drivers side ankle deep in cigarette ash / ashtray open and brimmed over all over everything

Refusal to inspect vehicle

I can do it

zephyrheaven, May 3, 2:56am
Must say
Im not a dog person

At all

a.woodrow, May 3, 3:05am
Yep I've seen some shockers. We failed a guys windscreen as it was so coated in nicotine and tar from smoking you couldn't see clearly through the screen. It was feral he ended up clearing an area with meths and a rag for the warrant.
And I refused to work on a car I was supposed to fit a rear seatbelt, back seat covered in dirty old used nappies, sour milk spillage all over the floor and a patch of vomit on the seat. I leant in and just about added my barf to the rest of it. told boss I wasn't going to work on it, he stuck his head in and went a bit pale on it. to top it off, bene trailer trash mum was offended when we refused to fix it

gastirling, May 3, 3:05am
Lmao, wait until you get a family of samoans in a Toyota Estima, dogs dont smell too bad after all!

stevo2, May 3, 3:09am
Oops, things are going to get a bit interesting now.

zephyrheaven, May 3, 3:09am
It ruins the seatbelts

gastirling, May 3, 3:14am
Trying to explain to them to get out so I could do the brake test took longer than doing the WOF, Then I had 8 people stinking out he reception.

ema1, May 3, 3:19am
Ha ha Zeph .ya might need a contamination, radiation protective suit or similar for thaty.
Can't see why you can refuse to test it due to it's filthy state!
Say you have "too much on yer plate" mate and suggest VTNZ will check it for them. Good Luck on that Zeph, I can see your problem mate as I was faced with a similar one about 25 years ago and I flatly refused to do it and the boss at the time totally agreed with my decision funnily enough.

zephyrheaven, May 3, 3:20am
I can refuse whatever I want
I gave up taking every dropkick off the street long ago

Should point out this is some kind of rebuke to the endless "Oh my mechanic said this then his accounts lady charged this" or "My mechanic gets free power / free phone lines / free internet / free rent & his employee's work for free too but my bill was $500 on my piece of poop that I havent bothered to lift the bonnet on for the past 20 years then I might as well start a thread on some website about it blah blah"

franc123, May 3, 3:24am
It's worse when they bring the damn dog with them and leave it in the back seat,"he won't hurt ya", or else they show up in a ute and don't tell you that pooch is asleep under the tonneau. One blokes ute scored a healthy 90 odd percent on the tapley but his dog scored a bit of a headache as a result of slamming into the headboard on the tray.

a.woodrow, May 3, 3:28am
Haha workmate did a wof on a painters van, scored well on brake test, unfortunately painter had left half a dozen tins of paint on the floor without lids!, he had a new painted floor

sandndude, May 3, 3:28am
Toss a match in it, 'oh look your cars on fire'

mugenb20b, May 3, 3:31am
LMAO! This happens to me regularly. If there's a mut in the car at WoF time, I always do a "thorough" road test. Those brakes and sway bars must be 110%.

gastirling, May 3, 3:34am
I know how you feel, you own a business so you must be loaded, people have no idea of the overheads a workshop has.

zephyrheaven, May 3, 3:38am
Yes Glenn Stirling of Invercargill I am a multifuckingmillionaire (its after 8:30pm so I can swear according to the TV)

franc123, May 3, 3:39am
Doesn't surprise me, I wonder what he thought was going to happen in an emergency. On the subject of tradesmens vans, do any of you AVI's find it amusing that NZTA think that its essential to have a spare wheel bolted down in your wagon or hatchback yet don't care about the lack of cargo barriers in vans to keep the nails, knives, skilsaws, paint cans, axes and god knows what else in the way of sharp and/or heavy projectiles from sconning the front seat occupants in the back of the head! Seems an obvious danger to me.

a.woodrow, May 3, 3:41am
Careful, the motoring nark may be about. Have already received one warning today

snoopy221, May 3, 3:41am
Yeah monthe ole bakery van fulla cockroaches springs ta mind.

a.woodrow, May 3, 3:43am
That's nothing - try vet's truck with used hypo needles in centre console - and they couldn't work out why we had a problem.

zephyrheaven, May 3, 3:43am
I dont accept brake tests from the many trades vans I service unless they remove all of the lethal weapons from the rear - what they deem safe anyway

One of them had the gall to tell me 'not to brake too hard'

I guess I should install a $$$$$ brake roller to offset the $36 wof fee

or not

zephyrheaven, May 3, 3:43am
My old 'Lux was Ex Vet - was still pulling out needles 18 months later, found one grooming it last week ha ha

stevo2, May 3, 3:45am
Obviously our vans brakes work fine cause we havent crashed yet.

zephyrheaven, May 3, 3:46am
I remember those people
I went to school in Invercargill
If things wanted sorting they did it

or they became internet trolls


johnf_456, May 3, 3:49am
While I agree but the spare is bolted int from factory, mean while a barrier is an aftermarket thing.

quater, May 3, 3:49am
Hi ya zeph, Still enjoying mechanics I see.