NISSAN SERENA model to avoid?

dressed2the9s, May 4, 3:05am
I am wanting to buy a Nissan Serena 1999-2006 is there a model I should stay clear of!

mileyfan73, May 4, 6:08am
Yes,the models built between 1999-2006.Toyota Previa's a better option.

a.woodrow, May 4, 5:59pm
All of them.

kcc55a, May 6, 5:38am
May not be relevant but we owned a 96 Serena 2.0 Diesel for 6 years.Honestly didnt have a single thing go wrong with it except theglo plugs and the clutch the missus burnt out on a steep driveway. Pretty underpowered tho

thejazzpianoma, May 6, 5:44am
Yes avoid them all.
If you can get away with 6 seats a Multipla is a million times better vehicle in every way.

a.woodrow, May 6, 5:47am
Sorry jazz trademe have spoken - the multipla is to ugly to be sold on this site, there are no multipla listings!

thejazzpianoma, May 6, 5:56am
Sold out again. sorry OP you will have to join the waiting list.

a.woodrow, May 6, 5:59am
Hey you are the trollee not the troller! Never mind I got you in General haha