3rd party insurance

moore., May 7, 7:01am
if my car is covered by 3rd party only, and someone bangs into it.
Can i ring my insurance company to lodge a claim against that person! that is of course that they are covered!

bitsy_boffin, May 7, 7:31am
Depends on your policy specifically.Some will allow for a LIMITED amount of cover if the OTHER person was NOT insured.If the other person is insured, you are generally going to be on your own.

For example, from State's 3rd Party Policy
"If you are waiting at a red light and another car hits your car in the rear,
you can claim under this policy up to $3,000, but only if that person is
not insured [.] If that person is insured then you must claim from their
insurance company or from them personally."