when buying a new motorbike. the dealer says i have to buy 6 months mimimum. i want to buy 3 months only. thanks.
May 15, 4:30am
yeah new, unused
May 15, 4:37am
Ah ok. Kaz is a car dealer so the man knows what he's talking about (most of the time lol .sorry Kaz :p )
May 15, 4:51am
Whats the value of the bike! Ive bought a few and they have always put at least 6 months on them and one was full 12, A mate just got a new bike as well and has 12 month rego. Mind you mine were before the hike in price so maybe there a bit tight with that now but 3 months isnt that bad. Id walk if they wont put at least 3 months on it unless its a real cheap bike. And if there not regoing it how can they dictate what you put on it! Maybe they can but seems odd.
May 15, 4:58am
hmm, thats strange, because when you revin a motorcycle, (which is pretty much exactly the same as when you buy a brand new one and get it vinned for the first time) you can get only three months if you want to. i dont see why its any different, I have done this twice myself, and my friend did exactly the same (3 months) about three weeks ago when getting an XL250 revinned.
I have to ask though, if you are strapped enough for cash that you want to buy a new bike, but are tight enough that you want to argue the cost of the extra 3 months rego, are you actually going to be responsible enough to treat the vehicle right, run it in, and have any and all normal, periodical services etc as required in the manual for a brand new vehicle!
May 15, 7:33am
He wants to store it forever till its worth a million dollars.so put one day on it. then put it on hold.
May 15, 4:32pm
When a vehicle is issued with an MR2a be it because it is a freshly imported vehicle (new/secondhand) or a vehicle that is put through the recompliance processin NZ there are only two options available. 6 months or 12 months. If it was possible to choose any other option you can be sure eggs is eggs some stealer would have done it and the news would have spread. The ONLY time another option is available is if the vehicle is somehow still "live" in the system ie was in fact never derego'd at all. Then the same rules apply as apply to any vehicle -you can rego for as little as 1 day
May 15, 11:55pm
I think it's something to do with playing as little as he can to the BS ACC system.like a few other bike owners
May 16, 3:37am
Why do you have to buy! Bargain with him if you are paying ticket price for the bike. Retail is hard work at the moment, do they want to lose a sale over not putting a rego on it!
May 16, 12:28pm
With the cost of licensing a motorcycle being what it is it is common practice for motorcyclists to exempt their machines during the winter months. Then come more congenial riding conditions they will liven the license up for, say 3 months and so on.Saves a lot of money!Perhaps this is why the poster wants shorter period!Incidentally I think it is possible to have as little as 1 month licensing and keep renewing it.may have changed!
May 16, 3:16pm
Gedo -you can actually register a bike/car for just one day if you chose to
May 16, 3:18pm
You can do a day if you like (except the first transaction, as KAz has said). The gap between licensing periods needs to be 3 months though or it backdates (actually it's more like 2 months but that's getting technical).
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