Delivery van fitout

paysanne, May 14, 8:47am
Anyone know who does shelving/racking for vans specifically for food/catering! Yes I tried google etc, lots of trade type shelving systems, but not what I want. Any ideas appreciated.

gtxonp, May 14, 8:49am
might be worth a shot :

jrd78, May 14, 8:54am
Hi there,not sure if this will suit but try

paysanne, May 14, 8:55am
Thought someone would do something to basically fit bread trays or similar. Might have to go custom.

sharon31, May 15, 8:19am
have you had any luck, might know someone in Christchurch who maybe able to brother is a coachbuilder by trade and does odd jobs etc. Phone Keith 03 374 2240 this is his work number