Falcon noisey tappet, then gone.

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ema1, May 14, 6:01am
Your choice, but I'd be looking myself as I was in the trade years ago and do most of my own work, possibly a lifter not pumping up as others have suggested.
If it does it again you could maybe check to see which cylinder is being affected to narrow things down!
If you do check further an oil pressure check would be another thing I'd do too.

doomy999, May 14, 2:50pm
it has an oil pressure guage which shows oil pressure is fine.
I think skin1235 was right on the money.I think this problems sorted.
cheers for all the advice everyone.
It is much appreicated. thanks

skin1235, May 14, 3:26pm
you think that explains it lol

could just as easily have been a chunk of carbon ex piston top sitting under a valve face
the lifter which normally runs say 2 mm from the bottom of its barrel now finds itself scraping off .5mm of varnish to take up that extra lash, and being a coon theres lots of that around - and it is well baked on ( this is inside the depths of the lifter)
finally it gets to full lash tolerances (your 15 minutes of noise and rough running) and then becomes quiet
then the coon part rears it head and blows the carbon away
the poor old lifter now has to leak back that extra lash - so runs even rougher cos they don't leak down too quickly

has it had any upper cylinder lube added

probably not

a small bottle of redex doped into the next few tanks of gas will dissolve all the carbon from the piston and the top of the bore, plus around the valves and ports
it won't do any harm, also shout it a bottle of pro ma, takes care of the heavier varnish builups

doomy999, May 14, 3:52pm
ahh, cheers skin1235 but actually this was all that was needed. :-)

"the fact it had an oil change recently could even be the cause of it, the new oil ( fresh load of detergent included) could easily have washed out a bit of gunk that has yet to exit the system to be picked up by the filter next time round"

thanks all the same.