We [ me and wife ]had an off on the bike going through Arthurs Pass on Saturday morning,hit a patch of black ice and lost it over the bank,nothing to bad as landed in soft gravel but it still hurt .lol. Thanks to all the car drivers that didn't stop [ at least 6 maybe more ] it was very obvious that there had been a accident as the bike was on its side with wheels in the air with my wife on the side of the road.NOT ONE CAR STOPPED just looked and carried on.a bloody disgrace in every way.my wife and i did get our bike back on the road and going,with not to much damage,no dents but a lot of gravel rash on paint and chrome and broken rear brake lever which we tied up and carried on. .2 more bikes had an off here as well [ couple of Aussies real hard cases ] their bikes were good as nice guys and thanks guys for your help,they caught up with us at the cafe.also 1 car that went over as well and through a road sign,bit more of a mess I just do not understand people who don't stop for a accident.i see and deal to my share all the time with in my job and would NEVER go past anyone no matter who it was
May 10, 2:48am
Yep pretty sure it's the law to stop and assist at an accident scene if required
May 10, 2:50am
how did you pick your user name! sorry,couldn`tresist.
May 10, 2:53am
Unfortunatly we are are getting to be a nation of people whom dont want to "get involved" anymore.Shame really.
May 10, 2:55am
Ha Ha.deserved that one thats my other sport
May 10, 3:10am
Around that area it may have been tourists not sure if is safe to get out and stop.I'd be surprised if your average kiwi wouldn't help out.
May 10, 3:25am
Why should anyone stop! Did you need some help or are you just pissed off that you f****d up! "my wife and i did get our bike back on the road and going,with not to much damage,no dents but a lot of gravel rash on paint and chrome and broken rear brake lever which we tied up and carried on". Christ, you're only a motorbiker. Get over yourself.
May 10, 3:29am
They should have stopped because it was obvious that there had been an accident and they should have checked that no-one was injured. How would you like it if you were injured in a crash and everyone just drove past and left you there! muppet.
May 10, 3:30am
Maybe they thought they had already called for help and were waiting
May 10, 3:33am
im surprised no one stopped, but were you waving for assistance !, if not & it looked like you were ok, then i probably wouldnt stop either.as once you do,& it turns out to have the police involved, you are required by law to stay there, which would be ages.
May 10, 3:35am
You my friend are just another example of what is wrong with our society. Might I suggest removing your cranium from your nether regions and at least pretending to care for fellow motorists - what they drive, whether they were in the right or the wrong is irrelevant, when someone crashes the general expectation of anyone with a claim to humanity is to stop and help.
May 10, 3:36am
What a w***** make sure you never need help.and yes did need help as bike over bank and wife had cracked ribs [ only found this out when she got checked out ] .she went back to Greymouth in the shuttle i was good as, got her back to the cafe not far down the road luckily.we did get bike up BUT much pain involved for my wife .couldn't get bike pulled round on my own .YOU ARE A D*****H
May 10, 3:42am
Same. If the situation looked 'under control' I would assume help was on the way.
May 10, 3:57am
Man sorry to hear what happened! If I see a biker who looks like they are a bit stuck I always try to see if they need a hand, 9/10 times theres no worries but I've never had a biker fail to offer a warm thanks for offering help which makes it all worthwhile. I used to spend a lot of time on two wheels so I know what its like when it goes pear shaped! Its good to hear you and the lass are OK and not lying dead in a ditch for the last few days - keep safe and good luck for future trips :)
May 10, 4:02am
Interesting.if there was no one there i would stop no matter what.as i said i deal with accidents all the time as i'm on the road every day ,i could not live with myself if a passed and they really needed my help.everyone i've stopped for the people have appreciated and usually needed help .some very strange people out there
May 10, 4:03am
May 10, 4:15am
Thanks for that,we are all ok.this wasn't really just a whinge for us but more of a whinge for all bikers .the only help we got was from the 2 Aussies that also wiped out on the same corner but were on tail bikes and were ok,.they saw where we came off and come to see if were were ok [ we passed them earlier ]
May 10, 4:59am
Is it too late to hope that you havent bred/spawned!
May 10, 5:09am
LOL.I see he's from Golden Bay.hope i spot him .lol .
May 10, 5:26am
Join the club, I was a passenger with a friend the other day that had an accident. A car failed to observe the give way and carried on going with not noticing us. Car written off, my mate struggling to walk (shock) outside a dairy during the day time. Not one soul even offered any form of help, then on top of it the other car did a runner.
I know how you feel offrd1, its one cruel world out their. I always give my assistance of mechanical skills when I see some in need of help. All the best on the recovery
May 10, 5:43am
I do not think there is a law that you have to assist that was the last Seinfeld show where they didn't help and got arrest under the good citizen law
Yes I stop even it is to loan a phone, a rope.jumper leads,or to stand a bike back up
Towed a guy on boat ramp who was stuck few weeks ago.Found I had a snapper afterwards, which was nice, but not why I did it
May 10, 5:50am
Thanks just the wife,i'm good as [ shouldn't say just but you know what i mean ] That's disgusting,beyond my tiny brain,I'm the same asyou,always give help to anyone,even been to first aid courses which help immensely
May 10, 6:35am
I know how you feel, about 7yrs ago I swerved to avoid hitting a dog an hit the shingle, lost it an hit a tree head on an air bags popped(thank god!) eventually got the door open when I got my bearings an crawled outta the car.at this point I noticed another car slow down an the occupants just looked an carried on, then another car just drove past followed by another. My car was hard up against the tree with the engine hanging out and I was laying on the ground, all those cars that drove past just carried on, at this point I crawled back to the car an found my phone, dialed 111 an gave them my location an just sat there waiting, another car drove past an the one following did stop and a young lady came an gave assistance.she couldn't believe that someone just drove past without stopping as you can't but not see a car stuck halfway up a tree an a person laying beside a wreck, when I told her that that would have been the forth car she couldn't help but issue a few choice words.it does happen, some people just don't want to get involved.
May 10, 7:40am
You look pretty intimidating in your profile photo. You could be a motorcycle gang member for all the average punter knows. Another reason why they might not have stopped.
May 10, 2:30pm
I can assure you i'm not.so people only stop if you are well dressed in funny bright cloths and ride another brand of motorcycle.lol.mind you my wife is tall blond and good looking thought that would have done the trick .lol.
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