Even tho' you may "look" intimidating AND you ride a 'tatoe i'd still stop & help.that way i'd be able to give ya the normal ribbing 'bout potatoes & handling and the like LOL.
But seriously i certainly would've stopped to see if ya both were ok at the least.
May 10, 3:43pm
I've been broken down on the side of the highway at night, middle of nowhere, and the only motorist who stopped to offer assistance was a couple of English tourists.
Your average Kiwi is very over-rated!
May 10, 3:44pm
LOL.LOL.We got that from the Aussies,they were on a couple of hire BMW'S hire bikes [ 650's ] and they had bright clothing .lol. once everything settled down and got Helen sorted,we had a coffee and got a ribbing.always something good comes out of a situation [ meeting a couple of hard case Aussies ]
May 10, 3:52pm
Black ice, gravel, lots of cars.
Sounds like an awesome place to stop.
May 10, 3:59pm
That's sad to hear.I'll often stop to help, if I'm out of town with my 4WD I've usually got tools with me.I've used the 4WD to tow people, sometimes because they've broken down in dangerous spots where they can't pull off the road. Kiwis used to stop and help - so what's changed!
May 10, 4:02pm
May be you should not open mouth if you don't know what you are talking about .so what you are saying you just leave people on the side road if it looks dangerous.[ you would be one of those helpful Kiwis that would just drive past .hope you never need help ]in this case there was ample parking that wasn't dangerous
May 10, 4:05pm
I would of stopped and I would of also called the Police to attend, That would of taken a bit of time that you would of had to wait there. I think most people would see you standing up looking at you bike on it side and think " well they look ok and dont need help"so would carry on driving. What would you want people to stop and do ! ask if you are ok ! then you would get a bit sick of every person stopping to have a bit of a gander at the crash, Could you think of the traffic problem if every one was to stop and have a look and chat, You are not required to to stop by law unless you are involved in the crash.
May 10, 4:07pm
I crapped off my bike reasonably seriously about 30 years ago on back roads south of Auckland.I was still able to walk, despite leaking a bit of blood here and there.I swear that every car that went past stopped.Despite a broken arm, I got help to shift the munted bike into a local farmer's shed (the farmer was keen to help as well), then managed to get a lift in to Middlemore with the hospital receptionist who was on her way to work. If this sort of thing doesn't still happen, then I'm pretty disgusted really.
May 10, 4:21pm
Thats bloody ridiculous.what with bike over the bank upside down .i just cant believe the Kiwi attitude.i am old school mind you.remember there wasn't a single person that stopped,if there was then fair enough
May 10, 4:23pm
I hope your post is just a silly wind up. If not then I feel sorry for you! I would never pass someone that had crashed even if they did look like they weren't injured.
May 10, 4:25pm
I witnessed an accident a few months ago where a teenager pulled out in front of a bus and got collected in the RF wheel. The car went flying, luckily apart from a bit of a knock to the head the kid was ok. I was amazed though that although this happened at a busy time of day on a main road, not one other car stopped. I've also pushed an old man in a Fairlane off the road at a roundabout, the poor guy was trying to push the car himself and everyone else was just driving around him. It really doesn't say much for our compassion for others.
May 10, 4:31pm
Well i have learnt a lot by posting this thread.there is a lot of very sad Kiwis out there.shame really
May 10, 4:48pm
Bit of assistance to get your bike up would have been handy,anyone thats dropped a big bike would no that.A truckie would have stopped.
May 10, 4:50pm
Actually I'm usually the only ones to stop but I won't if it's dangerous. I actually get sick of ungrateful gits, I'll pull over and they give attitude. "yeah yeah I'm alright piss off".
And yes if it's dangerous they should be left there, maybe swing around and see if they are alright, go from there but sure as hell don't stop in a busy icy roadway.
May 10, 5:03pm
YOU ARE JOKING. or a bit of a wind up.Did you not read my post.plenty of safe parking,anyway if it was in a dangerous spot more the reason to help find a place to turn round park so to protect the people involved .Iattend accidents a lot,at least a couple a year because i come across them with my job.if i had your attitude i would leave most them on the side of the road.and yes some are very bad and some are not,i have NEVER had anybody not appreciate that i stopped to check Hope you never need a hand
May 10, 5:32pm
I was talking in general, there is no reason to put others at risk. I said turn around if it's unsafe but whatever.
Please post pictures of you and bike so I may avoid them in future for fear of not doing things your more correct way.
May 10, 5:43pm
Very strange.you do the same so if you do ever have a accident and come across s you i can just drive on past [ joke .would never do that ]
May 10, 10:34pm
truesame with breakdowns ,guess cell phonehas to be part ofemergency kitbutdo they work in theArthurs pass !
May 10, 10:45pm
Cell-phone will never be a substitue for common-sense.('specially when there's no signal ) Let's be honest. the world changes. It's clear to me from community work that younger people are taught both indirectly, & directly, "not to get involved" in a variety of situations many an older (Kiwi) bloke wouldn't have thought twice about leaping into feet-first. . and to specialise their own knowledge/skill base, & rely on others for all else. We live, by & large, in the age of the metero-sexual. Particularly disappointing to see this in NZ, .but it is what it is. The world will still keep on spinning, no doubt :)
May 10, 11:08pm
i know what the best thing to do is if there is ever an accident in the near future or even with the one you and your wife had and i know that you might not of been able to take any of their number plates but this is what you do, you take down their number plate then go and report to the police and make sure they put it on file than he police can contact them and have them all charged with failing to stop to ascertain an accident/injury and for that they will recieve 5 years imprisonment, plus and or up to $30,000 fine plus up to 5 years disqualification that been 1 year minimum and on top of that they will have a Traffic conviction for the rest of their lives which could stop them traveling to other countries, such as Australia for an example oh and also maybe loss of job if they have one and to top it all off you, me and all other employed people who work will now have to support them and their family.
May 10, 11:30pm
While in general people are just being pr*cks you don't know their situation either. To spite them by reporting is a pretty petty move.
May 10, 11:34pm
As I said, IF the situation 'looked under control' I probably would continue driving.
IF you were attending to the missus or attempting to right your bike then possibly I would have stopped to help.I wasn't there when the 6 (possibly more) cars went past therefore I have no idea of the timing of your mishap and subsequent happenings.
If you had time to count 'at least 6 maybe more' then possibly the situation couldn't have been that urgent.
May 10, 11:36pm
How many people / car drivers did you pi$$ off with your manoeuvres / 'perceived' arrogance through the pass! *(note 'perceived'). Possibly the car drivers thought 'good job' upon seeing the upturned bike and 2 'healthy' people on the roadside.
May 10, 11:48pm
pollymay have you not ever heard a sarcasium, and yes i can be a b*%t&*( but that was my point even though it might not of seemed like it to you
May 10, 11:51pm
I have, the paying for their family bit really gives it away. However going back to my ever loved grandmother who is a strange person she does things like this. She is spiteful and thinks the world revolves around her, sadly I know she's not the only one that acts like this or that it's even that uncommon.
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