So i've been driving here for almost a year.

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davidgb, Apr 2, 6:27am
using an overseas license, and the moment I convert to full license (passed the theory test), they require me to be accompanied by licensed supervisor until I pass the practical driving exam. frustrating! now I am taking bus to worksince I am here on my own and have no one to accompany me while I drive. And how am I supposed to drive to testing center on the day of the practical driving test!

granada, Apr 2, 7:29am
You will need some one to accompanyyou.

aktow, Apr 2, 9:04am
what practical driving exam,, i have three friends from usa and england and they did not have to sit any practical driving exam.

bitsy_boffin, Apr 2, 9:35am
That only applies to a few countries, specifically, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom or the United States of America.

If the applicant is from any other country (or doesn't meet another couple of requirements), they need a practical test (and theory also).

kazbanz, Apr 2, 3:06pm
Sorry OP I really don't see your issue. You chose to wait untill your licence had "expired" before sorting out a kiwi licence and are blaming others.

r15, Apr 2, 3:22pm
just drive, if you get pulled up forget english.seems to work a treat on police 10-7

carmedic, Apr 2, 3:26pm
I don??

socram, Apr 2, 3:39pm
Interesting that the countries listed include those driving on the 'other' side of the road and also where road signs are not in English (I accept the international signs of course, but they don't have an international"Merge LikeZip" sign, even if that is only an advisory sign).

I would have thought that from a safety point of view, that any driver coming from a country where they drive on the right, or where the signs are not in English, should take a practical test, even it that test is a different test from that taken by learners.

That means Aussie and Brit liocence holders for example, would be OK, but not Canadians, Americans and Japanese.

Agree with other posters.Why leave it so long!I did my NZ licence within about 5 weeks of arriving here.

Not quite right carmedic. OP could still be driving on a valid overseas licence whilst going through the conversion as you put it, or is there indeed a hiccup in the law here, as you are pointing out!Who would know!If you were stopped, surely the presentation of a valid overseas licence would be sufficient!

Sir Stirling Moss hit the headlines in the UK when in his prime.Lost his UK licence and then drove on a Nassau licence!

pauldw, Apr 2, 3:49pm
carmedic was right.

From Fact Sheet 72
"When you have passed the theory test requirements, you will be issued with a New Zealand driver licence.

If you have been issued with a New Zealand driver licence you will no longer be able to use your overseas driver licence for driving in New Zealand."

"If your New Zealand driver licence has been issued with any conditions, you must adhere to them. For example, if you are required to pass the practical test and have not yet done so, you will have a supervisor* condition. This means you must be accompanied by a supervisor at all times when you drive."

davidgb, Apr 2, 3:53pm
This. Glad somebody got it. Anyway, I hope my neighbor is free on exam day so I have someone to accompany me.

davidgb, Apr 2, 3:58pm
Haha! I don't want to risk it.

kazbanz, Apr 2, 4:01pm
Sorry mon (sleep deprived) please now read my mind to get what I was trying to say not what I did say.
LEGALLY speaking once a person has done the conversion process the Kiwi licence is their licence in NZ
But a person with a valid overseas licence been here less than 12 months could flash their overseas licence if stopped during that 12 months. (they "could" I diddn't say should)
By waiting 12 months to convert his licence the OP has left himself will no real options. -Ie 12 months ago he could have organised around the situation be it either legally by organising other transport or "otherwise"
lets face it someone who arrived 2 months ago isn't gonna even have the cops bother checking for a kiwi licence

socram, Apr 2, 4:04pm
Surely, that NZ licence is not a full licence until the driver has successfully completed the test!In which case, the overseas licence SHOULD still be valid!
Once OP has his full NZ licence, then yes, you can't use the overseas one.

A question of semantics maybe, but either you have a valid NZ licence to drive, or you don't.OP can't drive in any overseas country with his current NZ licence, therefore he doesn't have one - but he does have a valid overseas licence that would be acceptable.

An anomaly in the law by the sounds of it.

davidgb, Apr 2, 4:16pm
I have no problem with transport really, I take the bus/train now. It's just odd that suddenly I am not allowed to drive alone when converting to full license. I mean, even on the restricted license you can drive alone.

Most pressing issue for me is now I have to incovenience someone so that I can go accompanied to the practical driving test. Would the examiner fail me on the spot if I show up alone or will he "understand" the situation!

carmedic, Apr 2, 4:18pm
& that is his point!

flitt, Apr 2, 5:31pm
Poster #1. Some international driving tests severly lack the same demonstration of standards as we do here. In some countries you can buy a licence with a small amount of cash. You should consider yourself lucky to have had a year here on your licence as NZ cannot be expected to march around the whole world testing driving tests.

We have that grace period (of a year) so as not to prevent new arrivals from being able to drive here. It would be an extremely harsh system and most would argue unreasonable if we did not have this year.

So, odd that it may seem for you to suddenly find yourself not fully licensed, you cannot argue that you have not had enough time to take the necessary steps to make the transition to a NZ full licence.

flitt, Apr 2, 5:35pm
This is NOT a full licence. It is a licence with conditions. Go and do the practical test.

muzza3, Apr 2, 5:49pm
Flitt do you not see the stupidity of the situation,
Allowed to drive on Int'l License
Drives unaccompanied for 12mths
Goes for NZ license , NOW must be accompanied.
Bureaucracy at its best.

davidgb, Apr 2, 5:57pm
I already have a schedule for the test and am now asking friends if there's one willing totake time off work to accompany me to test center.

flitt, Apr 2, 6:22pm
That's 12 months to ensure inconvenience is at a minimum. That's 12 months to organise 2 simple tests. That's not 12 months to relax before you need to worry about it. A prudent person would experience little inconvenience if they had taken the time to organise the transition in a timely manner.

pauldw, Apr 2, 6:38pm
The inconvenience is the same regardless. No matter when the transition is arranged the applicant becomes a learner requiring supervision as soon as they pass the theory test. The anomaly is recognised but apparently most immigrants don't drive for long before converting and are truly learners.

flitt, Apr 2, 6:55pm
However, an international conversion is not governed by periods of time between licence types as are new NZ drivers.

hutchk, Apr 2, 7:00pm
Is that you Bob Marley!

tara101, Apr 2, 9:46pm
The testing officer will ask you who your supervisor is and if you don't have one it is recorded. That may make the difference whether you pass the test or not as you are marked on a percentage basis and you will loose marks if unsupervised.

bellky, Apr 2, 9:49pm
Why don't you hire a driving instructor!