My car's in at a mechanic with various issues, but I have a courtesy car for the weekend. Would there be any issues with me taking it to Christchurchovernight do you think! Chch is a 3 hour trip oneway from where I am. Do mechanics take much notice of the kilometres their cars travel with clients!
May 10, 4:55pm
i think it would be cheeky ring him and ask ,he may not care but asking first would be polite and maybe offer to leave the tank full of fuel or something
May 10, 4:56pm
What would anyone here know! You have to talk to your mechanic. I know a some panel beaters insurance only give cover for a nominated radius of their workshop. Your mechanic's the only one who can answer your question.
May 10, 4:57pm
there may very well be insurance issues so DEFINITELYring him. Personally I would NOT be keen if I was the spanner man
May 10, 6:20pm
We used to offer free fuel in our courtesy cars, then we were getting too many dropkicks taking advantage and bringing it back empty (they always went out full) so we canned free fuel and brought in a 50 km limit. You need to ask your mechanic if it's ok, OP.
May 10, 6:24pm
Definitely check if you can take it out of town. You don't want to risk someone damaging the car while you are out of town and having to pay a huge bill because the vehicle is not insured for out of town use.
May 10, 6:26pm
Why do people ask questions on here that nobody can possibly answercorrectly.
Do it! Just don't crash in Chch. If he asks why you've put 1000k on his car, tell him you're a voluntary meals on wheels driver and it was a busy weekend.
May 10, 7:09pm
It is a courtesy car, not a rental.They are provided so you aren't unduly inconvenienced while your car is being repaired, not so you can complete the road trip you have always wanted to do.
At the very least, it would be common courtesy to phone and ask the workshop involved.They may not mind, but it is going to be them that coughs up for the wear and tear.
An offer of returning it with a full tank of fuel may sway their decision.
May 11, 2:53am
we dnt have a limit on how far our courtesy cars go but like said before there offered as a courtesy so try not to take advaantage of it. ring the mechanic and ask and im sure hel be fine with it
May 11, 3:03am
I would be careful, most insurance for 'loan vehicles' stipulates within the local region of origin - crashing in Moorhouse Ave when the mechanic is in Hillside Rd for instance means you now own the steaming lump of twisted metal & owe him a new loan car
May 11, 3:07am
So what I'm taking from this thread is that the OP should ring the mechanic! am I correct!
May 11, 3:09am
Choccy fish for you (o:
May 11, 3:12am
Should of - but prolly took off at 10:08am to Chch - maybe it was her smashed up down Blenheim Rd tonite nose to tail - uh oh
May 11, 3:15am
Mateee if it's a yellow mini she'll be right.
May 11, 3:21am
Sorry but as others have said, I am amazed that you are asking this question to those you have not contracted to.It would serve you right really if the mechanic is viewing this thread!Do the right thing ask: Trademe to pull the thread down and ring the guy.All the best!
Jun 9, 12:44am
hey petal_91 did you use it just curious
Jun 9, 12:52am
yes and returning the car with at least the same amount of gas in it should be standard. how would you like it if you took your car in for repairs and they fixed it and then drove all over town doingtheir personal business on your gas
Jun 9, 1:03am
Did,nt you try this one about 3 week,s ago!If not you, someone else did, but the post is identical.
Jun 9, 2:14am
Read the dates Sherlock.
Jun 9, 2:14am
and the thread is about 3 weeks old (o:
Jun 9, 2:14am
Snap (o:
Jun 9, 2:33am
Oh, yea, DUH.
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