My car failed a WoF in 2010 because of rust around the rear windscreen, near the bootlock and almost failed because of the rust in the drivers door sill too (and maybe another place too!).
Since my wedding is this weekend i should have a bit more spare money afterwards so might finally be able to stop the rust (for now) and get it fixed, but the rego is on hold until March 2013.
I'm a little worried about getting pulled over and fined for no rego/WoF while driving it to the panelbeaters to get the rust fixed (only thing it failed the WoF on - didn't have the money to repair it at the time as was saving for wedding).
Can you get off a fine if you go the the Police station afterwards with the bill/receipt from the panelbeaters! No real plans to get the car on the road as yet until March next year (needs a lot more work done with it, like suspension, engine and paintwork - none WoFable probs, mainly reliabilty etc).
Can't trailer it as know no-one with a trailer, and can't tow it as it is an automatic 4WD. And it drives perfectly fine so would just be a waste of time really, unless i'll definately not be able to get out of any fines.
Apr 2, 2:01am
The new wife will tell you
Apr 2, 2:02am
nah not legal. Just hire a trailer, its not worth the gamble. You wont get out of the fines if you get caught.
Trailer will be less stressful, maybe cheaper and your demerits wont be at risk.
Apr 2, 2:07am
Driving direct to place of repair or inspection is permitted (provided the vehicle is safe to do so).
Using a vehicle on the road or inspection, servicing or repair
If you are using your vehicle on a road solely for the purpose, and directly to the place, of inspection, servicing or repair, you will have a defence for using an unlicensed vehicle. This is similar to the law which allows people to drive a vehicle without a current Warrant of Fitness as long as they are taking the vehicle directly to a garage or testing station. This means that your vehicle must be licensed if you are using it for any other purpose but you may drive it unlicensed for these purposes. Please note however, that the vehicle must still be safe to be operated on the road even if it requires repairs in order to obtain an inspection.
Apr 2, 2:14am
Bang aware any officer who stops you may still give you a ticket. It is then up to you to prove why you were driving the car. Basicly you have a defence in law not an exemption.
Apr 2, 2:17am
MM--in a nutshell dude--Doya feel lucky punk! well dooya! You if pulled over WILL be issued a ticket then have the hassle of sorting it out or paying it. -so ya takes ya chances
Apr 2, 4:02am
bitsy_boffin & berg have pretty much summed it up. The flith might not be so forgiving if the WOF and licence are out by 2 years though. Also if that was in 2010, that rust will have only got worse and doesn't sound safe if the sill is going.
Apr 2, 4:10am
Drive it there at 5am and cross your fingers.
Apr 2, 4:16am
just do it. live a little
Apr 2, 4:41am
ring the panel beater and book it in, make sure they have a record of your intention to go there on XX day, then its easy for a cop that pulls you up to verify if your telling the truth!
Apr 2, 4:49am
Tell mr. plod to follow you if they don't believe you. Of course that'd be a bit hard to pull of at 3:14am on a Saturday morning with 2 drunk ladies in the car.
Apr 2, 3:48pm
If the panel beater has dealer plates, get them to collect it.Agree with motorboy2011.That is what I would do.
Apr 2, 5:00pm
considering the number of unlicensed drivers drivingunregisterednon warranted cars in New Zealand dailyI would suggest you would have to be fairly unlucky to get pulled over doing a one off journey to the local panelshop . If you have rung ahead and booked not many coppers are going to waste their time writing out a ticket that they know will be contested on those grounds ,They may however write out the ticket and give you 14 days or so to show up at the station with a copy ofthe bill for repairs/wof/rego etc.Or they may just give you a ticket. However if you get your new wife to driveand she turns on the tears and pleads ignorance she will probably get away with it .lol
Apr 2, 5:06pm
You are what you are driving any vehiclewithouta wof and rego. Is just nuts
Apr 2, 5:17pm
Translation people!! I'd do as above - book in and drive it at a quiet time of day.
Apr 3, 4:41am
As above, you can drive to place of repair if safe to do so, but join the dots here people: the reason it's failed a WoF is due to rust in structural zones. There's no way that's gonna get treated as safe by ploddy or courts.
Apr 3, 4:54am
It would be safer and less hassle to just trailer it there, you could plead your case if you get pulled over but you may also just get a cop that's heard it all before and just slip you a "thanks for your donation" ticket.your about to get married, so are you really feeling that lucky!.
Apr 3, 5:11am
Motorboy has the right idea, if you can get panelbeater to email you booking confirmation you can print it to show officer if stopped. If some insured muppet runs into you that is another chapter of problems.
Apr 3, 10:53pm
Dont be a blousejust do it, hiring trailers etccost more than the bloody fine .
Apr 3, 11:00pm
No, it isn't. It'd be very difficult, nigh on impossible, to prove structural rust was a factor in a crash.
Apr 4, 12:20am
No WoF or rego is all the excuse your insurer needs to wash his hands of you, if you have a blonde moment and drive thru a give way sign into the latest Mercedes.
Probably won't happen, but if it does.
Apr 4, 1:11am
No it isn't. It need to be a material factor. I'm sure you know someone who has had something like that happen to the: a claim rejected because the vehicle was unwarranted. Of course the insurance company will try it on. But it only works on the ignorant.
Apr 4, 1:40am
Wooo, gotta make a decision i see. :D
Thanks for all the helpful and sometimes unhelpful advice peeps. :)
Apr 4, 3:15am
Maybe of you hit someone, but if someone hits you no wof or reg doesnt apply unless the insurance co can proove that a part of your car that would have failed a wof directly contributed to the accident.I used my un reg/unwof car to go to work one day got t boned on way home at lunch and their insurance paid out.Still copped a fine for no wof and reg though.
Apr 4, 6:26am
tow it
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