hi guys, just wonderin the pros and cons for a jeep cherokee, someone wants to swap, we are keen but dont know anything about them. we fiqure they will be expensive on gas.! any advice would be great! TIA
Apr 2, 4:47pm
more information would help. year , km etc
4.0 petrol and low geared, yes it will be hungry on fuel
Apr 2, 4:52pm
we dont know any more details at this stage. they guy was going to ring sometime but i just wanted abit of info about them in the meantime, we really do want a truck or something bigger than what we have now so we are considering it but dont know a thing about them
Apr 2, 5:14pm
Integra or Jeep! There's really no choice is there.
Apr 2, 5:22pm
trogedon whats that ment to mean! someone wants itand wants to swap for a jeep .
Apr 2, 5:25pm
the jeep is thirsty compared to a car, but compare it with any other petrol 6 cyl 4x4 and its probably one of the better economy wise, Ive had 3 and on the open road they average around 11 litres per 100 kms. They are very prone to cooling problems so make sure that is in good order. mechanicialy the motor and trans are bulletproof. Off road, they will kick the arse of almost anything else in std trim. On road they are pretty agricultural, cramped interior, but plenty of pep.
Apr 2, 5:28pm
I think he means that Jeeps are way cooler than Hondas, and dont have that boy racer type stigma attached to them.
With the Honda, pubescent boys get excited, whereas with the Jeep, real women in heels and tight clothing will admire you.
And cyclists will bow down to you too.
And yeah, Jeeps are thirsty little beasts, but fuel is only one cost in owning a vehicle, so I think Troggy is saying "GO FOR IT, YOU NEED THAT UPGRADE",
Apr 2, 5:36pm
lol tell me about it i dont like that honda its my partners and i have a bluebird. thanks for the tips guys, been very helpful! will show my partner this when he gets home for lunch
Apr 2, 5:36pm
The cherokee had a couple of generations and a couple of variations. alowwing its the old 4.0l straight 6 version they seem to be pretty darn robust. But room inside aint huge. Thirsty beasties
Apr 2, 6:06pm
are they reliable! my partner seams to think there not.!
Apr 2, 6:17pm
So you want to know if the Jeep Cheroke of unknown age, unknown milege, unknown history, and appear to be worth less than 2k (based on the swap for the Honda) is reliable!
Apr 2, 7:37pm
i was just wondering if the jeep cherokee was alround reliable as a truck its self not exactly the one were looking at
Apr 2, 7:39pm
im a female and have no clue about these trucks so i was just asking in general what these trucks were like. if your going to go on at me for not knowing anything about it then dont comment. we will know more later when the owner of the jeep calls us!
Apr 2, 8:13pm
DRACO- Yep shouting to get your attention. The reason you arent getting a decent response is because your question is too generic. By being a bit specific you will get a better reply. --There are a few cherokees
Apr 2, 8:33pm
They're reading me ALL WRONG! (and Jeeps arn't trucks' they're SUVs or 4x4s)
Apr 2, 9:27pm
there all the same bloody thing in my book! i will ask someone more helpful!
Apr 2, 9:28pm
thanks to those who actually gave me some good advice :)
Apr 2, 10:13pm
But at least it still drove in. As I said I've had 3 of them, would have done over 200,000kms in them in Aussies and about 60,000 km's in 1 here, and you can hammer the crap out of them and they are fine. Just remember to maintain it. Seriously OP, if you buy one budget on a new radiator and water pump. The cooling system is marginal at best and as they get older cause lots of problems. If i wanted another petrol 4x4 I'd buy one of these before anything japanese
Apr 2, 11:03pm
i was in the same quandary 6 months ago. needed some grant to tow boat. settled on a 1997 jeep GC 4.0l v6. Read that if one was going to get a jeep, a 97 GC is the one to get. Replaced oil rear/front diffs/transfer case and filters, front/rear brake pads. fixed steering link leakage (failed warrant on that item). They are prone to leaks on the non drivers side floor from the wiper grill (spacers to big) Running sweet now, has grant/torque/looks and heaps of space inside.can get fatties in no prob. petrol wise.if you're worried about that type of thing then you can't afford to own one. good luck.
Apr 3, 12:49am
Yes if you own a jeep you will end up with a huge fuel bill, owned a GC myself, not the best built, but tonnes of grunt and a thirst to match, 90 litre fuel tank cost a shit load to fill
+1 spot on there I have also owned a few for off road (cheapies, not a care in the world, thrashed), and have never been let down, boiled all the coolant out up muriwai beach racing the tide and she never missed a beat after that. try doing that to your alloy head turbo diesels lol. Bear in mind the early examples are nearly 20 years old so you will get problems as with anything. Common to go on the cherokees are the crank angle sensors and head light switch. Not a major really. If used for towing or off road I'd get a new viscous fan and install a manual switch for the electric one.
Apr 3, 8:10am
elecric heaters on the seats to keep your arse warm in some jeep cherokees what else would you want
Apr 3, 1:28pm
thats for lazy fat Americans lol id never buy anything American well a truck like that anyway
Apr 3, 3:11pm
thanks heaps for the help guys! that will answer a few of my partners questions i hope! we would use it for towing were always doing wood and have to borrow the farms tractor so would love our own tow vehicle. (my bluebird doesnt have a tow ball ) and would love to be able to take the dog places in it! shes not allowed in my car! wouldnt be doing four wheel driving! im to much of woss when it comes to that!
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