campmother2002, Apr 12, 11:33pm
do they have to go off automatically when headlights are switched on

bellky, Apr 12, 11:37pm
I wish they'd go off automatically when the ignition is switched on.

richardmayes, Apr 12, 11:51pm
You say some things I don't like, but then you also say a few things that I like A LOT.

bellky, Apr 12, 11:52pm
Please tell me what you didn't like. I generally think a lot of your comments.

gammelvind, Apr 12, 11:59pm
Some of them do look a bit dorky, conversely you are less likely to accidentally pull out in front of a car using them. Anything that reduces your chance of being collected by some plonker has to be a good thing.

rsr72, Apr 13, 12:03am
They make cars look like mobile French tarts.
What on earth were they thinking!- Audi, be ashamed of your tarty bling.

poppajn, Apr 13, 12:15am
Legally yes

gram, Apr 13, 12:37am
What.still can't afford one.!

headcat, Apr 13, 12:48am
Why is it that "the plonker" is always driving the OTHER car!

wasser61, Apr 13, 1:05am
why! Is there a problem with trying to improve visabilty!

stevo2, Apr 13, 1:12am
I think daytime running lights are a great idea and support anything that increases the chance of the vehicle being seen.

clark20, Apr 13, 1:46am
yes they do

ceedoubleyou, Apr 13, 2:05am
Has anyone had the experience of a charcoal coloured car coming out of the shadows on a sunny day, once nearly got t-boned by a Golf, when I was reversing out onto the road, didn't see him untill he was nearly on top of me, give me day time running lights any day!

xs1100, Apr 13, 3:43am
yes i agree but it still puzzles me that the people who can nt see my truck from 5 metres away are the same people that have daytime lights fitted so others see them

skin1235, Apr 13, 3:45am
they're trying to get a message to you xs, fit daytime lights - and turn them on

xs1100, Apr 13, 3:50am
hahaha yes that must be it.

thewomble1, Apr 13, 5:15am
They have to go off when headlights come on. Had to change mine for WOF

hijacka, Apr 13, 5:22am
Thats Great then! i'm gona buynow.but before i do was wondering where can i place them on my Fiat Multipla!
Looks like this one http://www.modifiedcars.com/pix/virtual_large/2340.jpg

outbidyou2, Apr 13, 5:54am
who on gods green earth would own one of those! Nobody from this mb surely!

rsr72, Apr 13, 6:36am
I think I've gone one or two stages better, however, they're not immune from the faddish girlie bling either.

anilnz, Apr 13, 6:39am
Daytime running lamps should be wired so that they automatically switch off when either the dipped or main beam headlamps are turned on.


murph2068594, Apr 13, 6:02pm
Yep, been there done that, we were that close.well, he could've given me his T-shirt.

I am absolutely appalled at the number of cars, especially "road colour" vehicles that don't turn their lights on.

Here it's just 2 or 3 with no lights, yet when i drove around aussie, i counted a 10 to 1 ratio, 530pm at night, it's getting dark, (dark like you'd have trouble reading a road-map) yet for every vehicle i saw with their lights on, i counted another 10 with them off.

We could have a national billboard campaign to "Turn your lights on", yet there will always be people who just in such a hurry, they forget to turn them on.
It should be so when you start your car, they come on and if you forget to switch to "Dip" at least someone coming the other way can see you.

They look bright in this picture, yet once outside in the sunlight, they just help "Tag" the car as in "I'm coming towards you".

How many of you here, have spotted a vehicle, black, charcoal etc with no lights on, ok, you've just got past them and in your rear-view mirror 5 cars back, someone attempts to over-take.

If i go to court after the Head-On and a few Dead People, and a Defence Lawyer for the accused asks me:
"Did the vehicle in question have his lights on!",
"No, Sir".
"No park lights either!"
"So my client went past you with no lights on at all".
"That is correct, Sir".
"So in your rear-view mirror, there were no tail-lights going!"
"None at all, Sir".
"So what was the last thing you saw in your rear-view mirror as my client drove away from you!"
"His brake lights, Sir".