Steam coming from left side of engine when. I turn the car off if i put water in the radiator went the car is off it seems to ju

keri_1207, Jul 2, 4:05pm
i turn the car off if i put water in the radiator went the car is off it seems to just end up on my drive way , turned car on put water in sweet until i turn car off again or have it on longer than 30 mins, there no milky looking oil an no oilish looking water, any help please or real suggestions not after smart ar#es ta, this is a repost was in general but was told to post in here

shaun16, Jul 2, 4:11pm
youre adding to much water and its coming out the overflow!

johnn, Jul 2, 4:44pm
you say steam comes out & you also say it ends up on your driveway. Look where the steam is coming from & look where the water is dripping from & then you will find where you are losing the water & then you can do something about it.

neville106, Aug 21, 4:42am
Keri read my post in general.