Hi there.I have a 2003 Toyota Corolla Runx.The rear demister is not working so someone suggested its probably just a fuse. Firstly, can anyone please tell me where to find the fuses!On my last 2 cars the fuses were all down on the right hand side of the steering wheel but they are not there on this car. Secondly, once I have found the fuses, will I be able tell which, if any fuse is blown, or will I just have to replace each one at a time to find the faulty one! Thanks.
May 24, 9:51pm
cant tell you where it is, but once you do find it, it should be written on the fuse cover. if it is in Jappa and you cant understand it start ripping them one at a time and look for the wire inside broken. I'd suggest it will be a 10A fuse. red one
May 24, 10:00pm
Thanks.I found a post through Google about a different year Corolla that told me where to find the fuses. They are next to the battery. However none say anything about being for the demister.All are for things like headlights, horn etc.Maybe there are more fuses somewhere else. I might have to go to the library and see if they have a manual for my car.
May 24, 10:02pm
No those are different (engine) fuses, the ones you want are in-cabin, have you taken the kick panel (drivers side) off completely!
May 24, 10:11pm
No, I havent taken anything off.I thought there would be a wee flap that would pop open like on my other cars.I'm not sure what or wherea kick panel is (I'm a female and clueless about cars) but it sounds like this is a little more involved than I thought.
May 24, 10:23pm
Ok, I Googled kick panels, and then went out and unscrewed them on both sides of the car.Its possible I unscrewed the wrong bits, as the Google picture I found was for a different model and year, but there were no fuses under either panel. Lots of other electrical wires and plugs but none of the little red or blue fuses.
May 24, 10:49pm
well if you have wires your close. another option maybe the left hand side of the steering wheel, down by the coin tray.
nek minit. car interior fully stripped.
May 24, 10:56pm
I did try to pull some other panels off but they didnt want to budge and I was worried about breaking something. I am just downloading a pdf of a 2004 Toyota Corolla manual. Its not the right year but it may still point me in the right direction.It'll take a while to download on my crappy dial up so it'll be dark by the time its finished, so I'll look again in the morning. The harder it is to find the damn fuse, the more determined I am to find it!
May 24, 11:43pm
Well now I'm really pissy.More Googling said the fuse box should be under the steering wheel, but you have to lay on the floor, with your head on the foot pedals and look up under the dash, which I did. In case there is any doubt, I can assure you this is extremely awkward and uncomfortable and not even remotely dignified! So after all the acrobatics, the fuses are not there!There is nothing even closely resembling a fuse or a fuse box that I can see or get into.I did manage to break the the catch for the coin tray thing, so now thats flapping around open and I am not very happy about it, at all.
Just looked at the other thread, check above the glovebox. You may need to remove it to get to them.
May 24, 11:58pm
Thanks.I just went and had a look, and I cant immediately see any plugs or wiring for the rear demister.Obviously I can see the lines on the glass, but without removing the plastic from around the glass, I cant see where they plug in.Its getting dark and hard to see so I'll leave it for tonight.I dont think I'm prepared to go removing panelling from around the glass anyway. Its all a lot more involved than I thought it would be. I just assumed I would open a lid, pull out a fuse and replace it with another. I had no idea I'd be needing to unscrew panels and go to this much trouble. It all seems ridiculously complicated for one small fuse. Thanks heaps all. Enjoy your Friday night :o)
May 25, 12:02am
Thanks. I'll have a look in the morning. Although I have to say, with the airbag in there, I dont think I will be poking around in there too much.
If its this much hassle for the rear demister, I'd hate to think what will happen if anything really important stops working.lol
May 25, 12:05am
no no - its not the plug end of the demister wiring, its the button you press to make the thing work - its is physically still working! it may have been jammed or something like that.
May 25, 12:09am
Oh sorry.The button has a light built into it and when I push the button the light comes on,so I'm assuming that means the button is all connected correctly. However I will try and have a look at it tomorrow to check.Thanks :o)
May 31, 9:03pm
I just wanted to come back and let all know I did eventually find the fuses in behind the glove box. What a fecking stupid place to hide them! The fuse has now been replaced and the demister is working again, just in time for winter. Thanks everyone for all your help :o)
Jun 13, 8:02am
you write, you are downloading a pdf corolla manual. I would exactly the same pdf. could you tell me, where i could get it, please me email is [email protected]
Jun 13, 8:13am
i dont know, whether my message was sent correctly... so i try id once again: You wrote, that you are downloading a pdf of the manual of a toyota corolla. I have the same car, and i have only the japanese version of the manual... so if you have the english or spanish version, could you please tell me, where i could get it.... me email adress is [email protected]
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