Electric Window Motor

judyt, Jun 1, 2:28am
Need a window motor for a Toyota Stalet 1992.

modie61, Jun 1, 2:30am
Blue 1 !

shaun16, Jun 1, 2:36am
heres an idea then. go buy one!

andrea_w, Jun 1, 2:40am
If it's the same year Starlet I'm thinking of. good luck.
They have a common fault and are near impossible to find a good 2nd hand working window motor.
That's second hand information though, I wasn't the one looking for one. I did some work on a guys car, including replacing the window motor and the "good" one he bought was a dud - same fault as the original one. He gave up trying to source one and even considered converting to manual window winders.

realtrader1, Jun 1, 2:47am
How do you know that it's the motor!

bigfatmat1, Jun 1, 3:39am
No not really.