Would I need a new car alarm if

mozzie46, May 29, 2:28am
My wee car is randomly "dying" at the lights and then not starting again because the immobilizer appears to be playing up!

andrea_w, May 29, 2:34am
Depends what's wrong with the alarm.
Take it to a professional for a proper diagnosis and cost to repair/replace

.but are you 100% sure it's an alarm related problem!

mozzie46, May 29, 2:57am
Hi, thanks for your reply. =]

By professional would you mean mechanic or car alarm place!

Not 100% sure, however the alarm itself is pretty old, isn't hooked up to the siren, is temperamental (doesn't lock/unlock at times) and upon opening up the remote I found its all corroded.

mrfxit, May 29, 3:06pm
Dry joints ol fella.

Arthritis affects us all at some stage if we get old enough.
In your case, get all your joints checked.
Failing that . replace