Ford escape 2003 V6 - towing

horo1, May 26, 6:31pm
thinking of buying one, does anyone have knowledge on its towing capacity, as we have a 16ft caravan.

neo_psy, May 26, 8:52pm
According to these blokes:

Towing capacity appears to be 2000 pounds - so about 900 Kg.

Which doesn't seem much, so I presume is unbraked.

dunn28, May 26, 11:24pm
900 kg maybe the static weight eg when the weight is applied directly down ,towingcapacity will also be determined by the type an rating of the tow frame

faa_luke, May 27, 12:23am
If going automatic you'd want a transmission cooler. Apart from that I can't help much. Going by the above specs though it doesn't have a huge amount of torque so could be working pretty hard wit hard with a big load.