Travelling to Rotorua from Wellington for queens birthday, just wanting to know if anyone out there knows how much petrol this will take, i'm thinking a couple of tank fulls there and back, but don't even know how big our tank is! looking on other websites, it reakons 80 litres, anyone know! thanks
May 21, 9:23pm
No idea how big the tank is, in fact it's not important. The only thing you need to know is the vehicle's fuel consumption, which is around 10L / 100km, assuming it's a 4 cylinder engine and you aren't towing a trailer.
That may well be, but USA Oditties are very different from the ones we get here.
May 21, 9:46pm
about 450ks each way, even rounding that up to 500ks (just out of wellington / just out of rotorua) thats a 1000KM round going by mugenb's 10L/100KMs which sounds about right then yup 1.5 full's should do it with a bit of sight seeing as well.
May 21, 9:54pm
Op as stated above-it does depend on how loaded and if its the 2.2/2.3 or 3.0l version AND IF ITS AWD OR NOT. If its just a 2.2/2.3 2wd I would think one tank there and one tank back should be fine
May 23, 3:16am
I have an Odyssey (95) and do this trip often, I use slightly less now the by-pass behind Taupo is in place. I would budget for 2 tankfuls, but that should give you some leeway. Depends how you drive and what kind of weight will be in the car.
May 24, 3:40am
usa gallon 3.78ltrs not 4.5ltrs like here so tanks only 65ltr
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