Windscreen is not cracked, has gouge where the stone hit it between size of 20-50 cent piece. I remember seeing windscreen fix it on telly. But can't remember!
Can someone tell me about these please! If you have used them! Effect! Cost! or replacement (nissan mistral) ouch!
Jun 12, 8:51pm
Supercheap etc sell DIY products, otherwise just try Smith & Smith, Novus etc for quotes. Do you have insurance with glass cover!
Jun 12, 10:09pm
Nope, no insurance with glass cover, just 3rd party. Never needed it till now. Pretty good going for 20 yrs driving :)
Jun 13, 2:02am
Ring Novus and show them your crack. It's cheap enough to repair.
Jun 13, 2:33am
Well if you have gone with out insurance for that long and been lucky then you will have enough money to buy a new screen 20 x over.
Jun 13, 3:05am
I've always had 3rd party and for the past 12 years AA :) Would never have no insurance. But I do drive a nissan mistral which the payout for replacement would be so little.
But will try Novas. . now you've said it . I've had that . ahh that was it ! hahaha
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