Truckies. Whats is it with truckies that indicate to every truck that comes the other way am i missing something here

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ll59, Jun 16, 9:01pm
yea the biggest baddest one is the leader, she's on her way to your house now lol

aries_gem, Jun 17, 12:25am
Yep, some companies have banned the blinking practice outright. In ours we're not to do it when we've got traffic behind us. Speed limited to 90 clicks for years too.

lotsacows, Jun 17, 2:03am
That would be a "Roger"

lotsacows, Jun 17, 2:17am
Anyway, we should all remember good things come on a Truck, and a Truck takes it away when you have finished . As a truck driver I recon that most class 1 licence holders also have a uncontrolable urge "SEE TRUCK MUST PASS".

wizzbikz, Jun 17, 3:04am
Has anyone ever told a truckie that they look fkn stupid in those short stubbie shorts and footty scocks in middle of winter.

offrd1, Jun 17, 3:22am
must be a North Island

gunhand, Jun 17, 3:31am
Trucks are great things, country wouldnt run with out them but when your showered with whatever load isnt covered or secured properly, have stones flung up because the trailers are wobblin off the seal,they choke ya when going up hills, ya cant see past them I like topass them as well as soon as its practicable. And thats nothin agaianst trucks or drivers its just what happens at times.

downeynz, Jun 17, 6:13am
No difference to some other industry having an incompetent worker. They are in every job. Like a Doctor diagnosing cancer on the wrong patient recently. That to me would be worse than a few stones flicking up on your windscreen.

pollymay, Jun 17, 10:02am
Actually a good one that happened outside the shop once. Guy hooks a trailer up to the truck, anyway he was pulling into the next yard. Woman goes to scoot up the inside and BAM, she hits the cab turning in on her.

Truckee does his nut that his left hand blinker was on, woman is doing her nut that it was the right hand one was on. My dad was standing outside watching all this and noted the truck had the left hand indicator on, the trailer was blinking the right light. Someone at the truck place messed up the wiring on his trailer. I believe someone was in deep doo doo over that.

poppajn, Jun 17, 2:02pm
For sure, onus is on the driver, he obviously does,nt do pre-check,s.

macatu, Jun 17, 4:28pm
the ones that amaze me are those that claim a truck speeding and it is governed to 88 kmh,,,or they moan to the cops that a truck was holding up the traffic on a hill where there was no passing lanes,,only cliffs and drains, and he wouldnt pull over and let them pass

redhead96, Jun 17, 4:35pm
I use to think it was nice of these people to warn others that they with their bad driving habits will be on the road.

poppajn, Jun 17, 5:01pm
I remember doing a defensive driveing course and one the thing,s was that as you overtook another vechicle, you tooted.

modie61, Jun 18, 5:41pm

modie61, Jun 18, 8:17pm

brades83, Jun 18, 8:40pm
And the point of posting those links is!
And to the idiot complaining about getting showered with stones, you must be following too close. Bloody morons

modie61, Jun 18, 10:26pm
No point just topical,thats all. Oh and i like photography.

wiz9, Jun 19, 2:03am
Agree. one of my pet hates, confusion. Indicators can come on for several reasons, accidentally bumped, turning been the main one. Brake lights seem to mean pass also. Don,t pass unless you can see the way ahead is clear. I only indicate left if I can pull off the road on a hill or in a town if necessary. Trying to turn, or slow down in a truck can be dangerous sometimes.

gunhand, Jun 19, 2:09am
Ive been showered buy stones buy trucks coming toward me. And even following they bounce a lonnng way.And being showerd buy a fertiliser dust storm 2kms long isnt much fun either.

bashfulbro, Jun 19, 2:20am
I would not BUY any of that, not even getting showerd BUYa fertiliser storm.

gunhand, Jun 19, 2:25am
You dont have to BUY anything. Facts are facts Im sorry. Ive had hay bales fall off trucks in front of me as well. Im sure others have seen the same things. People have been killed but things falling off trucks.
Not every driver look in is mirrors maybe or as said above in all industry there those who dont give a rats arse.

desmodave, Jun 19, 2:38am
What is with that , i know it anoys the dog . Cheaper than a burn out i spose.