Still working on the wobbly steering wheel issue. Went to yet another tyre shop and they seem to think different size tyres shouldnt cause a wobble but may cause other issues. So before replacing tyres Im going to try a set of wheels off another car but dont know anyone handy with a Nissan. So whats the same stud pattern! I know people with Hondas, Toyotas, Subarus and so on but no bloody Nissans. Cheers.
Jun 11, 1:52am
Can you sweet talk a car dealer!Might be lucky.
Jun 11, 2:15am
Gunhand.believe it or not Austin Princess wheels fit.but you might struggle to find some
Jun 11, 2:17am
Yeeeeeeaa, got 4 of them in my street.not, lol.
Car dealer! Hmmm, Know one or two but not that well.
Jun 11, 2:24am
like I said in another thread GH>>>>> someone just needs to get em to ya
Jun 11, 2:37am
True, I have know idea who though.Whats freight like for tyres I wonder. Again, Many thanks for the offer. I can buy new tyres for $100 each so not a big expence nor the issue. Its just making sure that is actaully the problem as Im getting conflicting storys.
Jun 11, 3:58am
Not wheels but had one a few years ago maybe 1996 model with handling issues turned out to be rear shocks at $350 eachended up cross referencing and found xr6 Falcon are the same fitment at around $200. a pair.
Jun 17, 2:26am
Did ya sort the problem!
Jun 17, 2:34am
Not yet, not going to far in it, but still looking for a set of wheels to try. Its on my list of things to do (get tyres) after the rego the insurance the food the kids etc etc etc lol. If I deemed it a major concearn it would be done by now but Ill be pissed if I put new tyres on it and its not the problem.
Jun 17, 2:42am
Does the wobbling start to occur at a certain speed or all the time ! If it only starts happening at a certain speed one of your tyres has a 'bubble'.
Jun 17, 2:48am
Its random but not. If you go a bit quicker up to 50kph its not to bad but if you do it normal like it shakes around at 30 to 50kph. I can feel it in the passanger seat sometimes movin the van a wee bit. Some days she dosnt notice it at all to much. I will change the tyres soon as having differing sizes affects the AWD system apparently and I really dont want that happening. But would be nice to through four different wheels on it to just make sure.
Jun 17, 2:50am
What band of tyres have you got on your car! Cheap china make tyres on the front!
Jun 17, 2:54am
Geez buggered if I know lol.Its dark and frosty out to at mo.They came off a mates car and dont think it had el cheaposbut ya never know.They were warrantable and appeared in good nick and the mechanic said they wouldnt be a prob so i had them put on. And they were free as well lol.It could well be differeing tread pattern and sizes screwing things up as its AWD.
Jun 17, 2:59am
From what you saying, One of the tyres in out of round(should of been pick up when balacing). I work in a tyre shop and we have one brand of tyres that done that from new, It didn't matter how many time we balance them the keep shaking. It was always around 30-50kph and again from 80-100kph.
Jun 17, 2:59am
Take it to A reputable tyre shop and get them to check - I'd lay odds the steelbelt is forcing it's way into the tyre, thus causing a flatspot.
Jun 17, 3:01am
vr4_legnum, is it a Wrangler tyre! Happening a lot lately with our work vehicles.
Jun 17, 3:03am
Interesting. Yea it will be dealt to soon. But still like to know what models are compatable as well.
Jun 17, 3:08am
Nope, for us it was Chengshin tyres and have few King tyres do it as well
Jun 17, 3:10am
Did it shake or anythink before you put the tyres on the car! Are they steel or alloy/mag rims! Have you try to put the back on the front and front on the back yet!
Jun 17, 3:15am
No it didnt, so kinda suspect this is the issue. No havent swapped them around yet. Again on the to do list. Slack a. I guess if it was my car I would have by now lol.
But as ive said its had 3 wheel alignments and several balances of late and tyres checked etc and no obvious problem.
Jun 17, 3:27am
If they are atfermarket alloy/mag rims, Would you know if they would have a hub centre rings!
If you don't have them, The rims may not correctly centred on to the hub of the vehicle what could cause the wheels to vibrate.
Have a look tomorrow to see what brand of tyres they are and see if you can fine the date stamp
Jun 17, 3:31am
Before you buy new tyres, Take it down to a tyre shop and get them swap the wheels around. Something i though they would of done. But maybe they don't know what they are looking at when they balacing the wheels
Jun 17, 3:36am
Ill see what happens and if i get time to look. And the rims are factory steel ones. We havent damaged them in any way either. And two major tyre shops and my mechanic have all had a look at it and only one came up with the differeing wheel size thing then another (3rd shop) said no it shouldnt do that even if they were a different size. And the shop that did the last wheel alignmentthenlooked all the whels tyres etc and redone alignment then came up with the suposed problem. Thanks for your imput.
Jun 17, 3:42am
Also does the shaking happen right a way when your driving or does it take a while to start!
It could be when a tyre is getting hot, It is going out of round, Could be a reason why the tyres shops can't find anything wrong with them.
No worrys, Please keep me inform with what you fine wrong.
Jun 17, 3:45am
Starts doing it from dead cold. Yep will post when I sort it.
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