
gadgit3, Jul 11, 10:41pm
ECU fault. Relay fault. Fuel pump fault. Crank or cam sensor fault (common). Bad connection fault. What ever it is it will be eletrical.

dazza135, Jul 11, 10:42pm
Could you cause damage by driving vehicle!

noswalg, Jul 11, 10:56pm
yes, no, maybe, who knows! If your game buy it and try it

gadgit3, Jul 11, 11:10pm
As above. who would know. I dont think you will find a person here that will say "nah she'll be right" as no one here has had a chance to look at it.

carmedic, Jul 12, 12:13am
My best GUESS crank sensor ask if its been scanned for codes because IF I'm right there WILL bea code!

matarautrader, Jul 12, 12:27am
We had a 2002 Barina. Engine computer packed up, power steering servo for one side packed up, Cat converter packed up. We were happy to almost give it away.

hornnett, Jul 12, 12:29am
Just the one code you think!

treachug, Jul 12, 2:11am
Engine ECU - should cost around $2k to fix if new one supplied & fitted by a Holden dealer.
Have had similar experience with same type of car - sourced a new ECU ex UK & fitted & car ran sweet as (best it ever ran).

shane.64, Jul 12, 2:24am
What would happen if you took of the battery lead when hot and put back on and tyred to start like a reset if it starts OK it only can be a coolant sensor.But still need to find out what the diagnostic code is

holden_fan2006, Jul 12, 2:33am
We have had a very similar fault with an astra come through work. New ecu and it was good to go.

In other words, stay away from them!

steve98h, Jul 12, 2:41am
had one come into work a while ago doing the same thing. turned out to be coil pack

alltorque350, Jul 12, 2:58am
+1 on the ecu. Bolted to the inlet manifold. What were opel thinking putting it there!

bigfatmat1, Jul 12, 3:45am
These are notorius for crank sensor failures. would need to be scanned and checked with a scope for accurate diagnossis

the-lada-dude, Jul 12, 2:22pm
frankly if that car came up for auction @ turners you'ld be luckty to get
$ 500- 650for it ! i would'nt pay any more than that for it
jez,it's got 225 + clicks on it as it is

holden_fan2006, Jul 13, 2:23am
Actually now I remember regarding the ecu fault. This particular vehicle came in with it cutting out every now and then. After various faults and tests it had a faulty connection in the actual ecu which wasn't repairable. I know the cost was well above 1k.

hijacka, Jul 13, 5:00am
If the ECU was at fault the car wouldn't run at all. The fact that it runs good and starts when cold but doesn't start when hot says the problem with the Astra is the EGR Valve. They cost less than $100 Delivered off Ebay and about 5minutes to change it over.
IMO High kms but manual and looks tidy. well price, Go take it for a drive and see if you can spot any other faults. If not, i say go for it!

wimwom, Jul 13, 6:33am
Yep, been there done that.Sadly with these you cant remove or block the EGR , they have to be replaced or repaired. Parts are best bought from UK, much cheaper.

thewomble1, Jul 13, 7:22am
fuel vapour lock.